Tuesday, November 20, 2007

FINDER'S Keepers

A scene from a city past? No. Long live the lunch diner! I'd been up all night retouching a portrait for some clients (Ok, I slept for a few hours but woke up to cold rain and grey skies like London) and hadn't eaten a thing. So after delivering prints with hunger gripping my senses, I remembered an old standby from years back. Frantically searching and hoping it was still living amongst the new developments and renovations, my eyes set upon its beautiful neon lights. Walking through the door was like a time warp, although the crowd remained fashionably dressed, not one person was using a mobile. The tiny place was packed and luckily a spot opened up on the counter. I sat on the stool, looked around, smiled, and made the kind of photo I used to see in the books when ny was young and everything cost a nickel. If this place looks familar, let me know and lunch is on me!

Monday, November 5, 2007


So what's a backstage guy supposed to do when the season's over and the edits complete? Have a good drink ofcourse and then get back shooting! Today was a nice start, shooting Kanye West for Calvin Klein. Nothing major just a photos of him prepping for his upcoming European tour with designer Italo Zaccharri. It was good to see Kanye, having not seen him since Paris in October, and it made the shoot that much easier. Unfortunately, I can't show you photos from today until the tour begins but here's one from the front row at the YSL Spring show. Check out the shoes..

Sunday, September 30, 2007

WELCOME to Paris!

Well thank you, M. Chirac! Just on the way to Rick Owens, strolling along the Seine and enjoying a beautiful day, but who do I stumble across, former president Jacques Chirac. Everyone smiles on a sunny day in Paris and clearly he is no exception. Today was the exact opposite of yesterday. Things fell in place exactly as they should. Shows moved smoothly, great girls with great energy (still only the first day), and the press helped make sure the right photos were made by the right people. Best bit, we ended with a great dinner. Lets hope this is foresight for the week. Along with M. Chirac are some photos from Balmain and Rick Owens. Enjoy.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

BIRD in a car/

Hours in traffic suck, period. But what better way is there to travel in style than with stylish company? Enter Natasha Poly.

I've know this girl since she was about 16 or 17, and today she's more beautiful the ever. Better yet, away from the crowd, she's one of the most talkative and fun to be around.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

HOLD on to your hats/

Once again, Pat created vicious makeup at Prada, with some of the new girls crying during the application. This business is tough, but they're in Prada and everyone's watching, so you hear no complaints.

An agent curiously asked me who was opening the show, and if anyone could find her name they were not too be seen. If there's a new girl to be seen, it's usually at this one. Look for their pics on style.com; just click backstage and let me know who's your favorite!

Monday, September 17, 2007

GO Backstage!

Welcome to Go Backstage! This is your ticket to behind-the-scenes images from the biggest and best New York, Milan, and Paris collections. I'm a late-comer to blogging, but there's so much happening that people just don't see. Its about time you came along!