A scene from a city past? No. Long live the lunch diner! I'd been up all night retouching a portrait for some clients (Ok, I slept for a few hours but woke up to cold rain and grey skies like London) and hadn't eaten a thing. So after delivering prints with hunger gripping my senses, I remembered an old standby from years back. Frantically searching and hoping it was still living amongst the new developments and renovations, my eyes set upon its beautiful neon lights. Walking through the door was like a time warp, although the crowd remained fashionably dressed, not one person was using a mobile. The tiny place was packed and luckily a spot opened up on the counter. I sat on the stool, looked around, smiled, and made the kind of photo I used to see in the books when ny was young and everything cost a nickel. If this place looks familar, let me know and lunch is on me!