Tuesday, September 23, 2008

FOOD / Glorious Food

Eat 'em up and smile, or get it while you can! For years, I've been wanting to write about the backstage food we have [or don't have] throughout the day. And every season I forget to make the photos because - frankly - I'm too hungry to take the shot. But we're in Italy and the food can be pretty tasty.  Here' s a snap from Marni this morning - beautiful spread and ultra tasty. Coffee was pretty nice or tea if you preferred.

From there, we were on to Cavalli, with sandwiches, a big bowl of parmigiano cheese and great coffee [remember, it's Italy - coffee's everywhere].]

Immediately after the show I snuck a nap in the backseat of a town car - only to find myself at the Gucci show 20min later. The food there was also good, but I was so hungry that I not take a photo, but instead hoovered an assortment of sandwiches, mini quiche, and a tiny blueberry muffin - followed by a few strawberries and a banana. Eventually, I realized that my gluttonous actions were not becoming of a young photographer working at a major luxury brand. So back to work!

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