Saturday, September 27, 2008

IT'S the music

Michel Gaubert, maybe you've heard about him. Or maybe, you've just heard him. He's the sound behind the show and the sound in your ear the whole day thereafter.. I always try and stump him w/ some obscure song, or band my brother's been following, yet somehow he manages to hum the tune. I remember once having a conversation w/ Karl Lagerfeld and Michel at Karl's studio in Paris, where although I played a part in the talk, needless to say, it was a bit role. Look for a photo in the next few days. I ran into him somewhere today (was it Nina Ricci?). Still the soundtrack he pieced for the Jil Sander show in Milan, left both Raf and the models crying backstage. I'll try to get the set list for you. In the meantime, here's a link to's review of the collection, where you get some of the music in background.

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