Thursday, April 14, 2011

Jet Set Style

Next week I’ll be packing my bags and flying off to Europe for a holiday. This comes after an exasperating few weeks of waiting for the required visas which, having a South African passport, I need for just about everywhere in the world. Most frustrating is that I even need a UK visa for the honoured privilege of flying through Heathrow. So while I sat patiently waiting to apply for this visa, I got to thinking about luggage and passports and how utilitarian they generally are…

Diane Von Furstenberg must have had the same thought because she has released the most gorgeous collection of vintage luggage accessories. Not only are they practical and sensible, but super stylish too. The collection has been drawn from an archive of iconic vintage prints by Diane and honour all that is retro and glamorous!

The question is: would you get matching pieces or would you mix & match this collection of eclectic prints?

dvf collage 3

dvf collage 2

DVF collage

Collection available online from DVF and from Matches

images for collages from here

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