Monday, April 18, 2011

Roman Holiday

We are off to Italy for the next 2 weeks – can’t wait! We love the country: its food and culture, the language and the stylish people of Italy. I first visited Rome and Tuscany 11 years ago on honeymoon (our luna di miele) and after a few trips to other parts of Italy over the years, we are now returning to Roma e Toscanache bellezzza!

I took these photographs on that first trip to Rome and Florence and its surrounding countryside. I’m looking forward to capturing even more inspiration through the lens this time!

ancient stone

Tuscan collage

sun ripened flavours

italian collage

[All photography by me]

I have posts scheduled for the next fortnight, so do keep visiting me here and there is also a special guest post coming by one of my favourite local bloggers, so don’t miss out on that!

Ciao for now!

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