Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Make it Work!

I find it quite inspiring to see the working environment and studios of other people. I tend to gravitate towards these spaces on the web. Be they cluttered and chaotic, or meticulous and organised – all these working spaces tell a story about the person and their unique way of managing their surroundings.

I’m one of those people who function best in an ordered and relatively uncluttered space. I often don’t start a task until I have tidied up around me and sorted stuff out. Perhaps that’s just my way of just delaying the task at hand!

Anyway, here are several workspaces that caught my eye while I was organising my favourites on my laptop [another delay tactic, perhaps?]


This desk and mood board below belongs to Holly of Decor8. I recently completed her Blogging Your Way course from which I received huge inspiration.

My desk

So I’d like to know, in what kind of work environment do you function best? Organised chaos or super neat?

images linked to source

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