Sunday, March 18, 2012

On Sundays I Smile - Week in review 3.18.12

On Sundays I smile.

I share these moments with you.


My idea of heaven looks somewhat like this: a gigantic warehouse filled to the brim with vintage dresses, blazers, blouses, lingerie and pants, some dating to the Victorian era, and all priced between $2 and $9. I bought enough dresses, blazers, and blouses to warrant a $100 dry cleaning bill and fully stock my vintage shop (coming soon to Etsy.)

The weather has been so spring-like and pretty here in Dallas that I was able to take my kids to the Dallas Arboretum this week for Spring Blooms. The Arboretum is one of my favorite places in the city, and if you ever visit Dallas I highly recommend you go (and come and visit me too!) It's a perfect little slice of beauty is this great big bustling city.

The Arboretum is also a popular place for girls celebrating their Quinceaneras to have their photos taken. These are just two of the many girls I spotted. I'm not going to lie - their dresses make me insanely jealous.

To  conclude this post, here is a photo of the hot toddie that I drank last night out of a very special mug my daughter made. I have pneumonia. Again. Trust me when I insist that the extra whiskey added was for medicinal purposes only. I'll be taking a couple of days off from blogging to recover.

Now it's your turn. 

What were the best parts of your week? Leave a comment and share your smiles!

Some photos taken with Instagram: dresscourage

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