Tuesday, June 5, 2012

{Almost daily outfit of the day} A big moment. 6.5.12

Vintage Martini 1950's cotton dress; H&M sandals; thrifted vintage straw clutch. 
(Please forgive the quality of these photos - fluorescent lighting is an instrument of the devil.)

For as long as I can remember, I've dreamed of opening my own vintage store. I concocted elaborate fantasies of what my shop would look like, what I'd sell, and whether I'd be successful or not. I imagined it to be somewhat like the NYC bookshop owned by Meg Ryan in You've Got Mail, only with vintage dresses and hats and blouses instead of children's novels. I'm not much of a dreamer, but I couldn't let go of the idea of someday owning my own business.

This weekend I came one step closer to making that dream come true when I opened my own vintage booth at a local antique mall. My space is compact, but large enough to feature some special things I've thrifted over the past few years. There are 1950's and 60's dresses, and blazers, and sequined blouses, and Christian Dior lingerie, and purses, and enough Ferragamos to keep feet happy for a long long time.

If you're ever in downtown McKinney please take a moment and stop by my booth (I'm number 082), and check out the special things other sellers have to offer. The mall is located at 213 East Virginia Street in McKinney, TX 75069. I'm sure you'll find a few special things you'll want to take home!

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