Friday, June 29, 2012

flavour of the month: June


Flavour of the month for June was inspired by these little neon post-it tags. They’re brilliant when you find inspiration in magazines and need to mark the page and I use them all the time. I added a neon pink tag to my shelf arrangement, keeping company with that lovely vintage spool of hot pink cotton, and most of you liked this on instagram!



The protea, one of my favourite indigenous South African flowers, sent more hot pink my way with their vivid petals. And how sweet is this little decorative birdhouse from The Space?


The cover of the July issue of Vogue UK is also popping with colour… a perfect match for this cheerful bunch of poppies which brightened up my workspace. They’re such happy flowers… another favourite of mine!


Up on my inspiration board this month are a variety of images and objects. I’m loving these cool aqua shades at the moment, tinged with lavender and green.


Craig from The Lobby Hair Shop at the Woodstock Foundry [the beautifully refurbished 100-year old heritage building you have to visit] gave me an amazing new do… a great chop to start off the new season.


And as the Cape winter begins with plenty of rain, it’s important to take heart; it wont last forever.


We love walking and cycling in the Tokai Forest and this handy rustic tree swing always provides entertainment for my boys, the apple[s] of my eye…


A fun app for the iPhone is Pocketbooth… you can see my youngest and I playing the fool. Good times.

My much-loved black & white chevron, adorning an entire wall in my studio, makes a striking statement alongside this laser-cut felt runner hung over the white door.


And a wonderfully relaxing weekend to Arniston rounds off our month of June… roll on July!


all images my own

click over to see my flavour of the month for April & May

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