Friday, June 1, 2012

{On Fridays I Smile} Week in review 6.1.12

On Friday I smile.
I share these moments with you. 
Few things excite me like a trip to a newly discovered vintage store. The Pucci dressing gown and matching robe I found at Zola's Everyday Vintage in Dallas was worth the drive alone.
My boys discovered a caterpillar in our backyard. It pooped on them. Hilarity ensured.

Tiny dog, big truck.

The Common Table has quickly become one of my favorite places to grab a bite and a beer in Dallas. Mostly because they have an awesome patio and a grilled cheese sandwich that will knock your socks off. It has roast pork in it. Enough said.

A few pics from my daughter's 5th grade graduation. In my day, graduations were marked by long boring speeches and out of tune band performances. My daughter's ceremony was luau-themed. She wins.

Backyard chickens at my friend Jamie's house. They let me pet them. I was ridiculously overjoyed.

Now it's your turn. 

What were the best parts of your week? Leave a comment and share your smiles!
Photos taken with Instagram: dresscourage

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