Monday, May 16, 2011

Italy part I: Exquisite Nature

We stayed in the beautiful Chianti region of Tuscany, nearby Siena, during our recent trip to Italy. While going through the millions hundreds of photographs I took, it occurred to me that in order to create a cohesive photo-journal of the sights I saw and places we visited, I should break it up into themes. So first up, in Part 1 of our grand tour, I’ve explored the vineyards and nature that surrounded our villa and nearby towns of San Gusme and Castelnuovo Berardenga. An exquisite variety of spring flowers were starting to bloom and the bright green vine leaves, tinged in a rosy blush, were just beginning to uncurl on their ancient, gnarly stems. Our garden had a very sweet little terracotta statue that was determined to be in a number of my shots, and a very nicely distressed old watering can that I could’ve happily adopted. One of my favourite daily views were the artistically-camouflaged, lichen-covered roof tiles which nestle every rooftop throughout the area. A mundanely common sight for most Tuscans, but for me, these beautifully patterned cotta tiles always had me dashing for the camera!

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So I hope you enjoy these shots as much as I enjoyed taking them, and stay tuned for Part II of my Italian holiday.

all photography by me

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