Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Italy part II: Food Festival

Well, I did promise you another instalment of my holiday in Italy [in case you thought I’d forgotten or something], and this time we take a little food tour… some of the delicious produce for which Italy is so famous. Although it was technically Spring, it was still quite chilly and happily the roasted chestnut vendors were still on the streets of Rome. This is a snack which is not found in South Africa, so I gleefully gobbled up a paper cone of these piping-hot nutty treats.

Chestnuts Italy copy

Fruits so colourfully displayed at a stall in Siena:

Fruits Italy copy

Ice cream. In Italy, the ice cream really is good enough to have twice a day. A treat which my children took a decadent delight in!

Gelato Italy copy

A little vignette set up in the villa garden with my perfect combinations of flavours: ripe tomatoes, pungent garlic, crusty bread, grassy olive oil & tangy parmeggiano. I really could live on simple food like this everyday:

Tomatoes Garlic Bread Italy copyFlavours of Italy copy

Salamis, cured hams, prosciutto cruddo, parma hams. And more charcuterie than you can shake a bread stick at. Cold-pressed extra-virgin olive oil, to be found around almost every corner in Chianti, made in the traditional way by local artisans.

Meat & Oil Italy copy

So have I made you all a bit hungry?

For those that missed it, click to see the previous post of my Italian trip Part I.

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