Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Daily outfit 7/27/11

Vintage thrifted lace vest; Buffalo Exchange skirt; White Mountain sandals; TIKKR watch; Dolly Python leather cuff; Buffalo Exchange turquoise bracelet

I've decided to break up my posts and include a separate daily outfit post here on Dress With Courage. Considering how long and wordy my posts are, it seems the most effective way to include outfits without overwhelming everyone. And gives me a nice little space to talk about what's going on with this little outfit o' mine.

I found this little stretch lace vest at Goodwill for about $2. We're going on 25 days of one hundred degree plus temperatures here in Dallas, and the mere thought of wearing anything with sleeves makes me perspire. I literally squealed with joy when I dug this vest out of the racks. If a goth high school student in the eighties joined a marching band, she'd probably love it almost as much as I do. Almost, because the goth girls I knew kind of hated most things aside from black lipstick and heavy metal concert tee shirts and cigarettes. Cigarettes they'd smoke illicitly in the girls bathroom. Not that I know anything about that.

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