Sunday, July 24, 2011

On Sundays I Smile - Week in Review July 24th

On Sundays I take a moment to review the past week and I Smile. I share these moments with you.

This week I learned that one of my favorite vintage stores, Ahab Bowen, is closing. I was sort of heartbroken when I learned this, as the shop was one of the last places to buy well-curated vintage here in Dallas. It was there that I met the the sweetest, most kind-hearted employees, who could always be counted on for honest opinions. And their prices were really fair too. Sniff.

On the plus side, I walked away with two vintage kimonos and six dresses, all from the 1950's and 60's, at half off. I felt kind of dirty when I left, but glad to give some of my money to the shop. It was the least I could do...right?

Earlier this week, I attended a special preview of high-end and couture vintage at Vintage Martini, which was just voted Dallas' best vintage store. Including this cray-cray vintage bolero made from what appeared to be nylon cable ties. Oh...and it's original price was $13,000. Because you just never know when you're going to need a nylon cable tie bolero. Amirite?

This week was also remarkable in that I lost a substantial amount of heart muscle when my laptop crashed. I haven't cried that hard since Denny Duquette died on Grey's Anatomy. May he rest in peace. It was that bad. As a result of my infected laptop, I had a rather unsexy date with a repair guy and a few fetching employees at my local computer store. I get around. Oddly, they must have know I would be dropping by, because they all wore the most attractive uniform of short-sleeve pressed dress shirt, pocket protector, pleated khakis, black socks and white sneakers. It was hot.

Speaking of fetching, here is a woman I literally ran into at the mall. Literally. I was so entranced by her long, flowing hair that I crashed right into her when I went for a Dr. Pepper refill at Chick-Fil-A. This woman encouraged me to make an appointment for a haircut immediately. Not that there's anything wrong with long hair. Or haircuts.

Moving on.

So, you know when you get a craving for something? You're doing something totally mundane and unremarkable, like folding laundry or brushing your teeth or killing your kids on the Wii because hey, you just can, when it hits you. That all-consuming, passionate, if-I-don't-eat-it-right-at-this-moment-I-WILL-DIE feeling? Well, that swept me hard this week. My temptation? Tex-Mex. Oh, glorious Tex-Mex, with your queso and fajitas and guacamole and quesadillas. I am no match for your deliciousness. You win, Tex-Mex. You win.

Now it's your turn: What are some things that made you smile this week? Grab my button (created by Kate of Divergent Musings - HUGE THANKS to Kate!) and blog about your Sunday smiles; share your weekly smiles in the comments; or smile just because it makes you feels good. 

As I'm lounging around my house in my kimono feeling all fancy, feel free to catch up on my posts from the past week:

One big blogger mention this week:
  • Sal, author of Already Pretty, my blogger idol and all around body-acceptance hero, featured my post regarding my stomach confession in her Lovely Links for the week. I'm honored and thrilled to be included. She had some amazing posts in her compilation - be sure to check them out.
As always, thank you for supporting me by following my blog, continuing to leave thoughtful and introspective comments, and dropping by every day. I am so appreciative that you all are here.

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