Friday, July 1, 2011

Fashion Beauty Friend Friday: Outfit uniforms

Vahni from Grit and Glamour had a post several weeks ago in which she outlined her personal uniform, or outfit formula as she dubbed it.This week's fashion Beauty Friend Friday questions focus on what your fashion uniform is.

The Friend Friday group by Modly Chic is a way for fashion bloggers to share more about themselves and join a friendly community of bloggers.  Join the fun by checking out the  Fashion Beauty Friend Friday Google Group. And don't forget to check out Modly Chic - it's such a great blog.

1.      What’s your go-to outfit formula?
I'll be honest and admit that I had to study the file containing my daily outfit photos to figure out what my go-to-outfits are. After some searching, it appears that n the colder months my outfit formula is either skinny jeans + shirt + cardigan/blazer/jacket and knee-high boots.

This combination is warm and comfortable and reasonably stylish. I adore my tall boots and in the winter tend to dress around them. In summer, I definitely have a preference for a belted silk short-sleeve top + a short skirt, or a short top +  longer maxi or princess-length skirt. In each combination, I feel stylish and cool without being too revealing.


2.      How did you come about this formula?
I'm going to admit straight-out that these sartorial ideas came from studying bloggers. I'd always been a fan of skinny jeans, but pairing them with boots instead of flats was new. And I'd never given much consideration to belting my tops - that was revolutionary. I am so grateful to the bloggers I follow for inspiring me. Without them I'd still be languishing in jeans and flats and shapeless top.

3.      Do you have different formulas for different occasions in your life?
Eh, not really. I generally wear what I want when I want. I don't believing in "saving" my clothes for special occasions. If I want to bust out a sequined blouse or prom dress while running to the supermarket, I do so. 

4.      Has your outfit formula morphed over the years?
Oh, without a doubt. In years past, my one thought regarding dress was how to cover up. I had absolutely no desire to show my body and hid it underneath jeans, baggy chinos, shapeless tops and long Bermuda shorts. I was utterly terrified of appearing "sexy" and avoided revealing clothes like the plague. Even skirts were out of the question. I was deeply ashamed of my body and truly hated how I looked. As I've come through recovery from my eating disorder and body image issues, I am much more encouraged to show more skin in knee-length skirts, dresses and sleeveless tops.

5.      Which other blogger’s outfit formula would you like to swipe? 

Oh my. I'm uncomfortable with the idea of "swiping" anyone else's style. I have learned a few things and certainly been influenced by bloggers, but by incorporating elements of their personal style with my own. I primarily look to Amy of Stylish Year, Chloe of The Chloe Conspiracy, the anonymous blogger of Hello, Monkeyface, Blair of Atlantic-Pacific, Katy of Kansas Couture,  Jessica of Monster Cakes, and Meagan of Love Meagan.

1 comment:

  1. Just jacked off to the picture of you in the red top and black skirt
