Friday, July 29, 2011

Visual Fashion Beauty Friend Friday: Where I Blog From

This week, Suze of Miss Vinyl Ahoy is hosting Fashion Beauty Friend Friday's visual edition. The theme is "Where I Blog From." I thought it was an interesting choice of topic was happy to participate...mainly because I am a super snoop and wanted to see where everyone else blogs from. My honesty is admirable, I know.

This is my set-up - laptop, camera, iPad, cup of coffee in an extraordinarily obnoxious-sized mug that always makes me smile in the morning.

I use my iPad for research on posts, and it's been a real blessing. Mostly because if I have more than ten windows open on my laptop it throws a tantrum and crashes. I tend to write my posts a day (or more) prior to posting, and in the mornings I edit and publish. I blog from the dining room table in my breakfast room, which is located just off my kitchen, which is convenient if I'm in need of a snack. 

My breakfast room is in easy viewing of my family room, and I usually have the TV for background noise. I watch really highbrow things, like CNN and C-SPAN and PBS and last night's DVR'd episode of The Real Housewives Of Whatever City They're Filming, in which I cackle at while pounding away on my keyboard.

So that's my blogging set-up. Next you'll probably want to see my closet...but that's a post for a different day.

Where do you blog from? What do you like about your blogging spot?

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