Sunday, July 31, 2011

Blue [Monday]

Monday has arrived again with its usual promptness [insert audible groan]. It’s a bit like that dinner party guest that always arrives a little too early, while you’re still running around half-dressed with the pots bubbling over on the stove and the kitchen looking like a domestic bomb site. At least with Monday, it lacks the element of the early guest surprise because it visits weekly with a habitual regularity. Although by now I really should’ve become used to that insistent beeping from the alarm clock, heralding another week of busyness… I just wish I could hit the snooze button one more time!

So, in an attempt to begin the week [and the month] with a bolt of energy, let’s take some inspiration from this Street Scene #6 with its electrifying blue palette.

Electric Blue copy

Blues copy

Blues 6 copy

credits 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Summer Lineup//

On Sundays I Smile - Week in Review July 31st

On Sundays I take a moment to review the past week and I Smile. I share these moments with you.

Allow me to begin by sharing a sample conversation between myself and these two very charming little men, Jake and Josh:

Scene: Breakfast room, 8:05 am Saturday morning.

Josh: Mom! Look at this! Look at this! Look at this!!! (holds up Lego creation of indeterminable shape.) This is a Transformers Mario car that opens up and look at this! It totally opens up, can you believe that??? Mom! We should totally go to the Cheesecake Factory tonight. It would be epic. Can we, Mom? Can we?
Me: (Blearily rubbing the last traces of sleep from my eyes.) Dude, it's eight o'clock in the morning. I haven't even had my coffee yet. I can't think about dinner.
Jake: But Moooommm, we haven't eaten there in a long long time. Let's ask Daddy! Daddy loves food and sliders and stuff.
Me: Daddy's out playing golf. We'll ask him when he gets home.
Josh: Oh. (Exasperated sigh.) Okay.
(extended silence)
Josh: Mom! Did you know that bellybuttons are scabs? Because they are, I read it in a book.

End scene.


This week I went to both Nordstrom and Nordstrom Rack to buy new bras (more on that tomorrow.) Of course I got distracted by a few things - namely, a rack of discounted Kate Spade garments and these unbelievable Christian Loubotain leopard pumps. At only $995! Grabby hands *sob*.

When I got home from my shopping expedition, I traipsed into my closet to hang my new purchases and nearly threw up in my mouth. Clothes, shoes and belts were snaked everywhere, winding around my ankles and draping over hangers. It was time for a closet purge. Five garbage bags later my closet is organized and clean. Even better, there's tons of room for new stuff. Bonus.

And finally, to finish these smiles on a sweet note, I present to you a giant chocolate chip cookie from Corner Bakery. Yes and also PLEASE.

Now it's your turn: What are some things that made you smile this week? Grab my button (created by Kate of Divergent Musings - HUGE THANKS to Kate!) and blog about your Sunday smiles; share your weekly smiles in the comments; or smile just because it makes you feels good. 

As I'm pondering whether my bellybutton really is a scab, catch up on my posts from this week:

 I had one blog accomplishment this week:

As always, thank you for supporting me by following my blog, continuing to leave thoughtful and introspective comments, and dropping by every day. I am so appreciative that you all are here.

If you're visiting my blog for the first time, please think about following me through Google Friend Connect, tweeting with me on Twitter (I'm quite witty on the Twitter, I promise), becoming a Facebook fan, and following me through Bloglovin.

My feature in this week's IFB Links a la Mode: Week of July 28th

This week IFB was selected to be featured in IFB's Links a la Mode! IFB is a website for style, fashion and beauty bloggers containing articles, forums, polls and promotional tools. Home to thousands of members, it is an incredible resource for those interested in promoting their blogs, networking with fellow bloggers, and improving their posts. For fashion and style bloggers it's like crack. Not that I've tried it, but like I've seen on Intervention.

Anyways, I've learned so much about blogging through IFB and made from pretty wonderful friends through the message boards. If you're a blogger interested in gaining followers, traffic, and ideas for future posts, don't hesitate to become an IFB member. 

I am incredibly honored to be included with such a talented group of bloggers. Be sure to check out the other posts.

Whether we realize it or not, we are all influenced by something, whether it be celebrities, trends or designs of the past. This week’s links a la mode celebrates influencers and the voices we create from our inspiration. As fashion bloggers, we have each other to look for when we are feeling uninspired and this community is something we should never take for granted!

Links à la Mode: July 28st


Once upon a hot Sunday ...

                                                                                               CLICK TO SEE MORE

                                                                                          i was really in the mood for jumping :)
                                                                                                 sneakers: h&m,
                                                                                                 shorts: non branded, bought in turkey,
                                                                                                 t-shirt: new yorker,
                                                                                                 sunglasses: no name,
                                                                                                 leo scarf: vintage,
                                                                                                 flowers: h&m,
                                                                                                 hat: h&m,
                                                                                                 bracelets: h&m,
                                                                                                 necklace: accessorize,
                                                                                                 watch: Ice watch,
                                                                                                 clutch: tašnarija,
                                                                                                 ph: Jeca

Once upon a hot Sunday .... and on that day i snap some photos. Just to remember how fun is when sun is shining, you wearing shorts, maybe some sunglasses, probably a hat too, and you are jumping in the park. Sounds great? Memories created....
This is the last outfit post that i made last week while i was at my grandparents house in small town near Belgrade, and you can see how my hair looked damaged. That's not the case anymore, so i can't wait to show you! :) 
Bila je nedelja... sunčana....  i tog dana sam napravila nekoliko fotografija.... čisto da me podsete koliko je zabavno dok sunce sija, dok nosim šorc, možda i naočare, i omiljeni šešir, skakućem u parku... Zvuči dobro zar ne? Do sledećeg takvog dana ostaju mi samo sećanja ...
Ovo je ujedno i poslednji post koji sam napravila prošle nedelje, kosu sam prethodnog dana navijala, nakon čega sam malo i pokisla te je zbog toga  izgledala ovoliko oštećeno, ali već u sledećem ćete konačno videti i novu frizuru! :)
p.s. Jecooo hvala za sličice! ♥

Friday, July 29, 2011

August Giveaway: Win a gift card to MAC!

This week I wrote a post about the relationship women have with cosmetics. I thought it'd be fun to follow it up with a giveaway from a brand that is near and dear to my own heart.

This week's giveaway is for a $40 gift card to MAC!

MAC is my absolute favorite cosmetics brand. Why? Their products are affordable, highly pigmented, and have real staying power. They also refuse to test on animals and are dedicated to community causes, such as those that provide direct services to people living with AIDS.

Here's the fine print: 
  • The gift card is only good in MAC stores - not at the MAC counter in Dillards, Macy's, or other department stores. It is also not good for online purchases. Please do not enter if you are unable to use the card at a MAC store. (Check the MAC website for locations.)
  • The gift card cannot be redeemed for cash. 
  • Giveaway will be drawn next Friday evening.

To enter the giveaway, simply do the following (which you're probably already doing anyway:)

  • Follow me on Google Friend Connect;
  • Follow me on Twitter @dresscourage;
  • and leave a comment at the end of this post with your email address (comments left without an email will be disqualified.)
  • For two bonus entries, tweet the following about the giveaway: I just entered to win a MAC gift card from @dresscourage!

That's it! Thanks for entering and good luck!

Visual Fashion Beauty Friend Friday: Where I Blog From

This week, Suze of Miss Vinyl Ahoy is hosting Fashion Beauty Friend Friday's visual edition. The theme is "Where I Blog From." I thought it was an interesting choice of topic was happy to participate...mainly because I am a super snoop and wanted to see where everyone else blogs from. My honesty is admirable, I know.

This is my set-up - laptop, camera, iPad, cup of coffee in an extraordinarily obnoxious-sized mug that always makes me smile in the morning.

I use my iPad for research on posts, and it's been a real blessing. Mostly because if I have more than ten windows open on my laptop it throws a tantrum and crashes. I tend to write my posts a day (or more) prior to posting, and in the mornings I edit and publish. I blog from the dining room table in my breakfast room, which is located just off my kitchen, which is convenient if I'm in need of a snack. 

My breakfast room is in easy viewing of my family room, and I usually have the TV for background noise. I watch really highbrow things, like CNN and C-SPAN and PBS and last night's DVR'd episode of The Real Housewives Of Whatever City They're Filming, in which I cackle at while pounding away on my keyboard.

So that's my blogging set-up. Next you'll probably want to see my closet...but that's a post for a different day.

Where do you blog from? What do you like about your blogging spot?

Mom's vintage blouse .........

                                                                                              CLICK TO SEE MORE

                                                                                              sandals: zara,
                                                                                              jeans: pull&bear,
                                                                                              blouse: vintage,
                                                                                              belt: mona,
                                                                                              bag: aldo,
                                                                                              ring: aldo,
                                                                                              watch: michael kors,
                                                                                              ph: Ceca

It's raining  again, but here is something to remind us  that sun still exist, somewhere.... Do you remember when i told you in one of my previous posts that i made tons of photos last week? :) I visited again this gorgeous place Ljubicevo, and i couldn't resist, nature is so beautiful ... I was wearing silk vintage blouse, from my mom's closet, which i paired with one of my favorite bleached jeans and those red high heels (will you believe me if  i say that they are really comfy?) . I know that this bag wasn't the best choice probably, but i didn't want to bring with me so many clothes, while i was at my grandparents house ... It's only left to show you one more outfit and photos that i made in Pozarevac, and i'm counting the days when i will show you my new haircut! :)

And here we go again .... kiša, sunce, kiša, sunce ... sada već postaje dosadno. Zato evo nečeg da nas podseti da lepo vreme još uvek postoji. Ponovo sam posetila ovo divno mesto, ogromna kapija, prelepa priroda, zraci sunca koji prolaze kroz kosu, savršeno za fotografisanje ( ali ovog puta objektiv i ja nismo baš najbolje sarađivali :) )  ...  Mamina svilena bluza, omiljene izbledele farmerke i neverovatno udobne crvene štikle ... Ostaje mi da vam pokažem još jedan outfit post nastao u Požarevcu, a onda ću vam konačno otkriti i moju novu frizuru! :)

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Beach Fun

I came across these vintage photographs and just had to smile… so this is what they did for beach entertainment back in the day!


Hope you have a fantastic Friday and a great weekend!

Over here!//

How to Write a Great Blog Post, Part 3: Titles, length, and language

Three weeks ago, I began a series in which I shared the very simple process involved to take a concept from the idea stage to completed blog post. This process is successful because it always keeps new material in the pipeline. It keeps you inspired, helps prevent burnout, and encourages creativity.

In parts one and two of the series, I covered the early steps of writing a post - creating an active ideas file and tips for finding inspiration; and advice for expanding the concepts in your ideas file and the positives of getting personal in posts. This week I'll discuss the process behind writing your post - summarizing the concept in your ideas file; creating a great title; choosing the right length; and using the most effective language.

Part 3: Writing the post

Before writing your post, it's crucial to sum up what you want to communicate in three sentences or less.  Ask yourself the following questions:
  • What is the one thing I want my readers to know? 
  • What is the one thing I want my readers to remember? 
  • What simple truth do I want them to embrace as a result of the material I am providing? 
Maybe all you want your readers to know is you prefer high heels to flats. Summarizing your post topic before it's written will keep you from writing 700 words on the construction process of high heels and straying from your point. I usually hand-write the three sentence summation of what I want to communicate on a notepad beside my computer and look at it frequently as I am writing.

If I cannot sum up the idea in less than three sentences I have to entertain the idea that I may not have an article, I may have a series.

Once my material is grouped in your ideas file comes the difficult process of editing. Everything I have added to my idea is not going to make it into the post. I go through the concepts in my ideas file, and decide which points contribute towards effectively communicating my message, and which words detract. Some material may be discarded not because it is bad, but because it works better as a stand alone idea of its own.  Do not use material in an article that could be an article in and of itself.  Put it back in your idea file.

Once you have selected the best material from the concept in your ideas file for the intro, body, and closing of the post, you're ready to compose your post title. Why do this before writing the body of your post? While there will usually only be a handful of words in your post title, they are the most powerful words that you’ll write because for most of your readers the decision as to whether to read the rest of your post rests upon them.

Composing An Effective Post Title

Blog post titles appear in: 
  • Search engine results
  • RSS feeds
  • Links from other bloggers
  • Social media sites
  • On your archive pages (depending upon how you format them)
The title is often the only thing people see and the sole thing on which they base the decision to visit your blog. The purpose of a title is to drive potential readers to your blog, and a boring, complicated title will guarantee you less traffic than a captivating, intriguing one. While many bloggers use song titles or lyrics as post titles, they are avoiding the massive opportunities a straightforward, powerful blog title can generate.

When crafting an effective post title, it's helpful to consider one of the following techniques:

  • Communicate a benefit: Identifying a need with your readers, and promising to meet that need, is a guaranteed way to draw potential visitors in. Posts with titles such as "Dressing For Your Body Type" and "How To Wear Fall's Fashion Trends" clearly articulate what readers will learn in the post.
  • Ask a question: This is a favorite technique of mine. When you present a question, readers are wired to respond. Posts with questions as titles are not only effective at drawing in readers, but also at generating comments.
  • Personalize titles: Personalizing the language that you use helps readers feel more connected to your blog.  Simply inserting the words "you","your", or "my" draws readers in. For example, my post My stomach, myself has drawn over 1500 hits since it was published less than a week ago.
  • Use keywords: Keywords tell search engines what your post is about, and guarantee that it will resonate well beyond the date it's published. Search engines pay particular attention to titles to ascertain what blogs are about.
  • Keep it short: Search engines show only approximately 65 characters of a post title, so if you go too long it's likely your full title won't appear in search results.

Post Length: How long should a blog post be?

It's well documented that the typical web reader has a short attention span when it comes to reading content online. An investigation on Problogger found that average blog readers stay 96 seconds per blog. As a result many web-masters purposely keep their content length down to a level that is readable in short grabs.

  • SEO: There is a fairly strong opinion among those considered experts in Search Engine Optimization that both extremely short and extremely long web pages are not ranked as highly as pages that are of a reasonable length. The general opinion seems to be that a post of around 250 words is a reasonable and effective length.
  • Quantity of Posts: Shorter posts might allow you to publish more posts, and more posts are better for generating readership with RSS and in Search Engines.
  • Topic/Genre: The type of post that you’re writing will often determine it’s length. For example when writing product review you’ll generally write more than when you compose a daily outfit post.
  • Comprehensive Coverage of the Topic: Ultimately this has to be the main criteria that bloggers go with. You should write enough to comprehensively cover your topic and then stop. Long posts for the sake of them are not a wise move – but so are short ones that don’t cover the topic well.

You've gotten inspired, organized your concepts in your ideas file, narrowed down your concept into three points, constructed an effective blog title, and thought about length. Now it's time to write! Use language that you speak in - your own voice is distinctive and makes you unique. The great writing manual, The Elements of Style by Strunk and White, instructs us to write in a way that comes naturally. It also says to avoid fancy words and to omit unnecessary words. Readers enjoy writing that is conversational, without being wordy. Write in a way that speaks to your reader, not down to them, and doesn’t confuse them with jargon and acronyms and technical stuff.

Pretend that you’re having a conversation with a friend, and write like that. Then go back and edit out sentences and words that are unnecessary, and revise sentences that aren’t clear. 

Next week I'll discuss the final editing process of writing a great blog post, and provide a few final tips. Has this series made you think different about crafting a post? What has your favorite tip been so far?

Zara People bracelet ...

                                                                                               CLICK TO SEE MORE

                                                                                             gift from Zara

You probably heard about that Zara People project, i also uploaded my photo, and i didn't have that luck to be on their front page, but  last week i received this friendship bracelet from them, as a kind of gratitude to all those who participated! Really sweet! Thank you Zara!  :)
Sigurna sam da ste čuli za Zara People projekat ( ukoliko niste Jelena je pisala o svemu tome, pa možete pročitati OVDE) , i sama sam učestvovala ali nisam bila te sreće da i moja fotografija bude objavljenja, u svakom slučaju prošle nedelje je na moju adresu stigao koverat pravo iz La Coruña-e, a u njemu ova divna narukvica, kao mali znak pažnje i zahvalnica svima onima koji su učestvovali! Već je obožavam! :)

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Frivolous Fun

I’m keeping things light and fun today, so enjoy this editorial full of stripy cheerfulness. Have a great day friends!






source of all this stripy goodness here.

Daily outfit 7/27/11

Vintage thrifted lace vest; Buffalo Exchange skirt; White Mountain sandals; TIKKR watch; Dolly Python leather cuff; Buffalo Exchange turquoise bracelet

I've decided to break up my posts and include a separate daily outfit post here on Dress With Courage. Considering how long and wordy my posts are, it seems the most effective way to include outfits without overwhelming everyone. And gives me a nice little space to talk about what's going on with this little outfit o' mine.

I found this little stretch lace vest at Goodwill for about $2. We're going on 25 days of one hundred degree plus temperatures here in Dallas, and the mere thought of wearing anything with sleeves makes me perspire. I literally squealed with joy when I dug this vest out of the racks. If a goth high school student in the eighties joined a marching band, she'd probably love it almost as much as I do. Almost, because the goth girls I knew kind of hated most things aside from black lipstick and heavy metal concert tee shirts and cigarettes. Cigarettes they'd smoke illicitly in the girls bathroom. Not that I know anything about that.