Thursday, June 9, 2011

My feature in this week's IFB Links a la Mode - Week of June 9th

Much to my surprise and delight, Dress With Courage was featured in this week's IFB Links a la Mode! I am so proud to be grouped with a truly amazing group of fashion bloggers. Please make sure to check out their posts.

The Love Letter

Edited by Vahni of Grit & Glamour

It’s been a cerebral and cathartic week in the fashion blogosphere—the wheels were turning in your stylish little heads about all manner of contemplations. Why do we hate ourselves? Why do we tell ourselves that we’re not worthy? Why do we categorize and judge other bloggers by their style? Or their handbags? Several of you had a come-to-Jesus moment and realized that’s just a whole lot of malarkey. And I’m so glad you did.
And you know what else bloggers realized? That blogging has enabled you to embrace you. The real you. With your flaws and imperfections, no matter your skin color, weight, or age. In her post, A Love Letter to Personal Bloggers, Anika eloquently captured what many of us feel when we begin to understand the deeper significance of blogging:
You inspire me. Your outfits, your book reviews, your thoughts, your replies to my comments. You make me feel good about me. When I visit your site you make me feel that I matter, that we are equal, never mind if I am a blogger or not. When I am reading your blog it does not matter how thin/fat/popular/lonely I am, when I am reading your blog I am hanging out with you, knowing that you are hanging out with me too.
…Darling personal bloggers, you are impacting our culture, our trends, our lives, me. Thank you for that.
And this is my love letter to all of you. It takes tenacity, guts, patience, creativity, and time to blog. Love you, be you. Care, share, go forth, and go blog!

Links à la Mode: June 9th

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