Sunday, June 26, 2011

On Sundays I Smile - Week in review June 26th

On Sundays I review the past week and I Smile. I share these moments with you.

This is my daughter, self-declared tomboy and hater of all things pink and girly. Becky recoils at the mere thought of dolls, makeup, clothes shopping, and ballerinas. She wants to be a veterinarian when she grows up, is stubborn as a mule, and could argue with a doorknob. While she abhors most things smacking of feminine ritual, she's surprisingly particular when it comes to getting her hair cut. Here were her specifications on this day: "I want you to cut exactly one and a half inches, not any more than that because then it'll be too short. I want my bangs swept to the side, not hanging straight across because then they'll get in my face and that's totally annoying."

Every day, I try and take a moment to appreciate the simple things God puts before me. When I went thrifting in Sherman earlier this week I came across this charming little coffee shop. Featuring exposed brink, chipped vintage furniture and a display case straight out of the 1950's, it was homey and rustic. And the barista made me the best darned cinnamon latte I've ever had.

Thrifting in Sherman is generally limited to Western-wear. You'll find things like roper boots and tee shirts emblazoned with the Texas flag and fringed, bedazzled ANYTHING and silhouettes constructed entirely out of camo. However, the Goodwill display case held this 1930's evening bag. Priced at $15, it was expensive by Goodwill standards. But when I discovered it contained the original coin purse, a vintage comb, and the slightest scent of gardenia perfume, I was sold.

Yesterday the family and I took a road trip out to Edum, Texas to pick blueberries. The weather was perfect - slightly cloudy with a breeze - and we spent two hours filling up our pails. Picking blueberries is an exercise in both dexterity and self-control. I was tempted to shove handfuls of blueberries into my mouth and Veruca Salt myself into oblivion. But we all know how well that turned out for Veruca.

After our blueberry orgy, we were starving, and drove into Edum for lunch. Edum is literally a two-block town, containing a post/telegraph office, two country restaurants, a gas station and a handful of dilapidated houses. All I wanted to do was submerge my face into basket of fried pickles, Texas' answer to healthy fare. Trust me when I say that you have not lived until you've eaten a fried pickle. There, I said it.

Now it's your turn: What are some things that made you smile this week? Grab my button (created by Kate of Divergent Musings - HUGE THANKS to Kate!) and blog about your Sunday smiles; share your weekly smiles in the comments; or smile just because it makes you feels good.

While I'm making blueberry panckakes and blueberry muffins and blueberry crumble and blueberry smoothies, catch up on my posts on Dress With Courage from the past week:

I had four major blogging accomplishments this week:

Thank you for supporting me by following my blog, continuing to leave thoughtful and introspective comments, and dropping by every day. I am so appreciative that you all are here. Oh - don't forget to enter my giveaway for a TIKKR watch and extra band! The drawing will be held this afternoon.

If you're visiting my blog for the first time, please think about following me through Google Friend Connect, tweeting with me on Twitter (I'm quite witty on the Twitter, I promise), or becoming a Facebook fan.

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