Sunday, June 12, 2011

On Sundays I Smile - Week in review June 12th

On Sundays I review the past week and I Smile. I share these moments with you.

Summer in Texas means one thing: heat. It's so hot that you unwittingly give yourself third-degree burns when getting into your car, either from the seat or the driver's wheel. It's so hot that you basically just want to walk around naked all the time, even though being outside for just a moment makes you feel as if you are strolling on the surface of the sun. It's serious. Which is why I ended up at our community pool and beach club four times this week, making the above supplies a necessity.

All the chlorine and sand from swimming resulted in the need for lots of baths. And it is impossible to take a bath without an excessive amount of bubbles. My two little fans are likely to agree.

Aside from swimming, catching a movie is an excellent way to escape the summer heat. On Friday I took my brood to the dollar theater to see Rango. It was hilarious. I am fairly certain I loved it more than they did. Going to the movies with small children is an entirely different experience that with grown-ups. There's a million bathroom runs and endless cries of "Mommy, I can't seeeee!" and crinkly bags of candy and crunchy buckets of popcorn and munching ice in soda cups and in all honestly you probably miss about 2/3 of the dialogue. But it's all good.

I had a brief hour to go thrifting last weekend, and I uncovered these heartbreakingly gorgeous Ferragamo ballet flats. In absolutely perfect condition. And not in my size. Cue weeping and hand-wringing.

This is a 1980's Paul Louis Orrier organza dress. This is a dress Vintage Martini owner Ken thrifted at Buffalo Exchange. This is a dress I fantasize wearing to a garden party, tiptoeing through prized hydrangeas while sipping a bellini as the sounds of a string quartet waft through the background. 

I also stopped by the newly remodeled Vintage Martini, one of my favorite vintage shops here in Dallas. Vintage Martini is home to some truly exquisite garments, clothes so gorgeous you just want to walk around the store on tiptoe and speak in hushed voices so as not to disturb them. It's like a museum, and visiting requires an inner sense of calm or else you'll lose yourself and run yelling through the store OH MY GOD IS THAT A PUCCI MULTICOLOR VELVETEEN SKIRT I MUST HAVE IT  SSSQQQQUUUEEEEEEE!

Yesterday I was invited to attend the John Freida tour at their stop at The Shops at Park Lane. (I'll write a post about the experience with product reviews later this week.) Julie of Rosy and Tart, Tina of T Minus, T Plus and Stephanie of Beauty and Gardens joined me. After getting our hair did, we grabbed lunch at Gordon Biersch, and I ordered shrimp and lobster tacos. Which were amazeballs.

We also made a stop at Charming Charlie, a jewelry emporium that's expanding rapidly here in Texas. Charming Charlie is home to a truly insane collection of costume necklaces, rings, bracelets, and watches, in every color of the rainbow. While browsing, Julie discovered this completely fetching ring watch. The cover of which was zebra-print enamel. I know, I know, I should have bought it.

Now it's your turn: What are some things that made you smile this week? Grab my button (created by Kate of Divergent Musings - HUGE THANKS to Kate!) and blog about your Sunday smiles; share your weekly smiles in the comments; or smile just because it makes you feels good. 

While I'm smiling, here's what went down on Dress With Courage this week:
  • I examined fat talk, and it's role in female relati0onships;
  • Humorously shared a study which informed me that my underwear color is a window into my soul;
  • Discussed my struggle with overthinking and shared some strategies for dealing with it;
  • Continued my thrifting 101 series with a guest post for Jentine of My Edit on the care and wear of thrifted sequins;
  •  and answered questions regarding summer trends for Fashion Beauty Friend Friday.

I also had two big blogger accomplishments this week!

  • My post regarding defining the difference between being inspired or being a copycat was featured on IFB Links a La Mode;
  • and my fat talk post appeared on Already Pretty's Lovely Links

Thank you for supporting me by following my blog, continuing to leave thoughtful and introspective comments, and dropping by every day. I am so appreciative that you all are here. Don't forget to enter my giveaway for a TIKKR watch and extra band!

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