Sunday, June 19, 2011

On Sundays I Smile - Week in Review June 19th

On Sundays I review the past week and I Smile. I share these moments with you.

Okay, sun. You're hot. I get it. Now calm the hell down

It was so hot this week that the only reasonable thing I could think to do was take the kids swimming. A lot. To tell you the truth, I fear these Sundays I Smile posts will become kind of repetitious, because there's only so much I can do over the summer, being that I have to keep my brood entertained because school is out. We're only two weeks into vacation and I'm already loosing my mind. And there's a mile-long stretch of days to go. And have I mentioned that I'm losing my mind???


Here is yet another pic of one of my kids in the pool. Take note of the fact that he's imitating my standard skinny arm outfit of the day pose, though with a double-arm version of his own. Quick learner, that one.

Aside from swimming and broiling in the heat and developing a pretty decent tan, I swung by Half Price Books this week.

Half Price Books is one of my favorite places to hang out. Unlike Barnes and Noble with it's measly amount of armchairs, there's a wide selection of furniture to waste time in. The store also boasts epic hobo hipster people watching, great coffee, and what has to be the widest, most varied selection of books anywhere.

It is only in Half Price Books that you can stumble on a hardcover concerning knitting punk rock garments. This slim little volume makes me want to become a crafter.

Now this is not a photo taken in the bookstore. This is the garish interior of my local nail salon. Boasting over 40 pedicure chairs, crystal chandeliers, statues of Buddha crafted out of metal, an enormous stone fountain and 10 wide-screen TV's which are always tuned to HGTV or The Food Network, this salon perfectly encapsulates suburban life in Texas, y'all.

Much like kryptonite is to Superman, Pei Wei's chicken pad Thai is to my diet plan.  I find myself on the phone ordering this delectable entree once a week. My addiction is so strong that the employees know my name when I come to pick up my order. Does that embarrass me? Hell to the no. 

As I'm wolfing down my leftover pad Thai for breakfast, catch up on my posts from the past week:

I also had two big blogger accomplishments this week:

Even more flattering is the fact that ten more of you took the time and interest to follow me through Google Friend Connect this week. I cannot express how much I appreciate your support. Thank you for following me, and for contributing such thought-provoking comments to my posts. 

Don't forget to enter my giveaway for a TIKKR watch and extra band!

If you're visiting my blog for the first time, please think about following me through Google Friend Connect, tweeting with me on Twitter (I'm quite witty on the Twitter, I promise), or becoming a Facebook fan.


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