Saturday, September 17, 2011

A moment of thanks

Yesterday I learned that I didn't win the CBS DFW Most Valuable Blogger award. Truthfully, I'm not that surprised, or even that disappointed. It was a tremendous honor to be nominated, and I continue to be grateful that I was included with bloggers who have been blogging for years and have reached success.

Today I feel it's important to take a moment and thank you, my followers and readers, for your support. I know I don't tell you often enough just how much I appreciate you. I feel honored and even a little bit overwhelmed that you take the time out of your busy days to stop by, read my posts, and leave such thoughtful comments. It thrills me when I see a comment from you in my inbox. I read them all (even the not-so-supportive ones!) and deeply appreciate the time you take to write them.

When I started blogging eight months ago, my motivation wasn't to become a popular blogger. I have always written for me, worn what I want to wear, and conducted my blog behavior as exactly as I do in real life. This blog is a true reflection of who I am. The fact that I have followers at all amazes me, because I don't think I'm all that special. The blogging world is so vast - almost oversaturated - which makes you being here all that much more wonderful. I didn't know that you all were out there when I started blogging. I didn't know that I would eventually see you as my friends in the blogosphere. And I didn't know that it would be possible to type in Blogger and feel at home.

You inspire me. Your thoughts, your criticisms, your words of support, your generosity. I didn't know that you would change my life. Dear readers, you have given me confidence and strength I never knew I would have. You make me feel like I matter. You impact my life in a way I am unable to put into words.

So thank you, readers. Know that you are appreciated, and that I am humbly grateful that you are here. And thank you for voting for me in the CBS DFW contest. I may not have won, but you give me gifts far beyond cyber awards.

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