Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Thoughts on adventure, and the Independent Fashion Bloggers Conference - watch the live stream here!

What would you say is the most adventuresome thing you've ever done? I asked myself this question as I was packing for my flight to NYC last night, trying to determine whether I really needed to bring all of my sequined tops and if my sky-high wooden sole booties were a must bring and if I had enough clean underwear and OH MY GOD IN LESS THAN 24 HOURS I WILL BE IN THE BIG APPLE MEETING SUPER FAMOUS BLOGGERS I AM FREAKING OUT AAARRRGGGHHH *SOMEONE HOLD ME.*

Well, I said to myself, practicing soothing deep breathing techniques to stop my shaking. What about the fact that you've relocated four times with three children under the age of two, across multiple states and to different parts of the country? That was pretty adventurous.

And didn't you make the hour and a half commute to Music And Art high school into the city from Long Island every day, traversing the subways and essentially making the NYC transit system your bitch at the tender age of fourteen?

And let's not forget about that moment when you got your first tattoo - you know, the one on your neck. You traveled to a studio in St. Louis that you'd never been to before, and courageously bared the delicate flesh of your neck to a complete stranger, leaving with a piece of art no one else on earth has. That took guts.

Adventure takes a lot of different forms. Most of us associate adventure with trips, or daring acts of bravery like sky diving or swimming with sharks. But I think adventure can be found in the seemingly mundane things we do almost everyday. Like ordering a new entree at a favorite restaurant. Or trying out a new hair color. Or going to a concert of some local musician. Or even (gulp) starting a blog. I enjoy watching my children develop their own sense of adventure, which seems to come much more naturally to them than it does to me. The easy way they experiment with things that test their physical limits; the eager reach my daughter has when trying sushi; even the joy my boys get when assembling a new Lego set all inspire me to search for adventure in my daily routines.

Today, however, it's time for a big adventure, for flights across the country, for meeting new friends and eating at undiscovered restaurants and shopping in stores I've only read about in magazines. However, you can join in on the adventure as well, by watching the live stream of the conference here. The courageous nature of blogging makes us all adventurers. So why not stake the journey a step further? I'll be live tweeting the conference as well (follow me @dresscourage), and sharing pics on Instagram and Facebook so you won't miss a step.

Watch live streaming video from ifbconference at livestream.com

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