Friday, September 9, 2011

{Friday} Guest Post: Christy of Slow Southern Style on her fondest vacation memories

As most of you know, I'm in New York City this week attending the Independent Fashion Bloggers Evolving Influence Conference. This morning, though, I'm recovering from the utter pandemonium of Fashion Night Out.  I do not use that word lightly. Imagine a six block radius crammed packed of women dressed to the nines, pushed into stores by tremendous crowds, DJ's pumping music into the streets, bands screeching from the stores, free champagne and snacks and clothes - Oh, the clothes! - and fashion bloggers and models and OH MY GOD HOW AM I GONNA MAKE IT OUT OF HERE ALIVE THIS IS THE APOCALYPSE AAARRRGGGHHH!!!!!

Lucky for you, I've arranged a few fantastic guest posts to share with you while I'm recovering, curled into a fetal position rocking back and forth on my giant hotel bed. Have you ever stumbled upon a blog you immediately fell in love with so hard that you became kind of like a stalker? Well, that's exactly what happened to me regarding the bloggers I'm featuring this week.

Today, say hello to Christy, of the blog Slow Southern Style. Christy writes about the fashion scene in New Orleans, and give a great snapshot of life there.

Since Elissa is away on vacation for the IFB conference she asked me to share my fondest vacation memories and I can’t think of anything better than my multiple trips to the Grand Canyon. I’ve been having a love affair with that big hole in the ground ever since I first made the trek when I was a kid and I’ve been going back ever since. My husband and I took a working vacation one summer and worked inside the National Park which was great fun. We even got married inside the Grand Canyon seven years ago on the Havasupai Indian Reservation!

I’m from New Orleans but after Hurricane Katrina I relocated to Scottsdale, Arizona where I lived for about three years. The Grand Canyon was a quick four hour drive and I went up there every chance I got. My destination is usually Phantom Ranch, which provides lodging and camping areas for weary hikers on the bottom of the Canyon. I’ve been there 10 times and I try to get back once a year now that I’m living in New Orleans again. My favorite memories are definitely the times that I did some off trail hiking where I didn’t see a single soul for miles.

Nothing makes the stress of the modern world go away quite like standing next to 2,000 million years old rocks. Suddenly nothing matters when you realize you are just a blip on the radar, which I find oddly comforting. Of course mornings spent tip toeing through the Bright Angel Creek and evenings with a cold Tecate are equally as enjoyable.

If you’d like to create your own Grand Canyon adventures I’d suggest checking out Hit the Trail, a comprehensive guide on everything from which trails to take to how to properly prep both physically (hint: start climbing stairs ASAP) and for supplies.

Thanks to Elissa for having me over, I’m sure she’s on a fashion frenzy in the Big Apple but come say hi to me if you are ever in the Big Easy!

Thank you for the guest post, Christy!

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