Sunday, January 15, 2012

dottir & sonur

Heard about Dottir & Sonur? I hadn’t until I read about it on Decor8 recently, and my immediate reaction was oh yeah! I’m a sucker for anything origami, so these graphic designs out of Germany were my kind of eye candy. The prints are available as cushions, wallpaper and even a minimal placement print wall poster.

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I’m really attracted to keeping it simple when it comes to design, and Germany-based Dottir & Sonur have combined the classic origami bird shape with a paired-down colour palette and the result is an eye-catching minimalist print which will work in most situations. Imagine the wallpaper used for either a boy or girls room? Or the poster in an office, brightening up the workspace? Awesome.

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Click over to the site to see these single-strand hanging lights and the wall decals which are also available.

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all images from dottirandsonur

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