Monday, July 23, 2012

Like Mother, Like Daughter, Like Son

 I can't go to San Diego and not meet up with one  of my favorite ladies and stars of my book, Ljubica Bogic. I originally met Lubi while she was visiting her daughter, Ivana, in New York City and found out that she lived in my hometown of San Diego. I have since photographed her on almost every trip back to see my family. Lubi and Ivana have a wonderful bond and a shared passion for art and fashion. My mother and grandmother were a huge inspiration on my own style development. They allowed me the freedom to dress up and colorfully express myself at a young age. I asked Lubi to share a little  about how she has influenced her daughter's style. Check out her response below and a photo of my mom and I wearing coordinating colors!

Fashion and design are not my profession, nor a part of my
formal education. As a scientist in molecular biology, with a specialization in
molecular medicine, my professional life and interest evolve around creative
work in the medical/scientific field, which has diverse and numerous limits/constraints.
The scientist is a creative explorer; however, there are set rules and even
stricter standards that must be followed—by the book. In fashion, as my hobby,
it is quite the opposite: I feel fully FREE, and I am never judged by the critics
in the field.  Nevertheless, my
best critics in fashion are my husband, daughter and my dog….Ha! Ha! Thus, my
interest in fashion as an art form allows my creative thinking to materialize into
full freedom, or at least the illusion of a full freedom. In my mind there is
no existing scale in fashion; at least not to the same extent as in science.
How would I define my own style: simplicity, comfort, a clear-cut silhouette,
monochromatic, colorful accessories and else!


 I guess my style has rubbed off on my daughter. I always
supported her own creative thinking, yet I probably did shape her style to some
extent.  She grew up into a sophisticated
young person with her own unique style…..but fashion still continues to be our
special bond that translates into the formation of an additional dimension of our
friendship. As we go different ways in style, our fashion interests bond us in
a distinctive way. We often exchange fashion opinions, build exceptional creative
dialogs, and review the art of fashion. My daughter lives in NYC, and I am in
San Diego. Very often she sends me a phone picture of a window display in the city,
or a fashion piece worth the attention. Then, we usually build a discussion
around our opinions and ideas of a piece. Often, she asks for my advice. If I
do not like something, it does not mean that she won’t get it. However, our
connection to fashion links us in an interesting way, and broadens our

Did I influence my daughter’s style? I do not know. Maybe to
some extent I did. Most importantly, I encouraged her to develop her own
creative style. I am happy that two of us can play and dance through life together
at many different levels.As for my Borzoi…..Ha! Ha! I do include her in my most
recent fashion expressions. This is my new puppy that I refer to as “my black
and white design”………so I try to match her color patterns….. CRAZY? Maybe not,
because BORZOI – “They are truly living and breathing works of art” (Joseph B. Thomas).My freedom of
expression translates into my fashion style. At present, I take inspiration
from the elegant, yet simple markings of my Borzoi. CRAZY? Maybe not, because “Only
great minds can afford a simple style” (Stendhal).

[Mom and Me]

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