Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Oh hi.

Vintage sequin jacket? Thrifted. Vintage tee? Thrifted. Joe's Jeans? Thrifted. Bruno Magli wedges? Thrifted. Python purse? Thrifted.Turquoise necklace and bracelet? Thrifted.

Oh hello there. It's nice to see you again. 

The past few weeks away from the blog have found me engaging in such scintillating activities as swimming with my kids; reading and rereading new books (Gone Girl - get it); thrifting; working at Vintage Martini; and wondering whether I would ever blog again. My life at home has been just as tumultuous as you'd expect it to be for someone going through a divorce, and the last thing I want is for this blog to devolve into a WAAH WAAH WAAH POOR ME I"M SO SAD AND DEPRESSED WILL I EVER LOVE AGAIN BOO HOO HOO sob fest.

So instead, I present you with this entirely-inappropriate-for-Texas-summer-heat outfit. I wore this to work today while pulling consignments and tagging vintage and shockingly managed to keep every sequin on my jacket intact.

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