Thursday, September 1, 2011

Calling All 30+ Year-Old Fashion Bloggers!

Are you a fashion blogger age thirty years and up? This is the post for you!

Grechen Cohen, of of Grechen Blogs, Grechen's Closet and a slew of other incredibly successful ventures and I have created a group just for bloggers in our age group. We believe there’s a place to carve out a powerful niche, even in this current crazy fashion blogging world full of pre-teens and 20-something models. And as much as we don’t want age to define or separate us, 10-15 year differences definitely have an impact. So who’s with us? Come on over to our Facebook page and introduce yourself. Meet other bloggers around your age, network, share posts and upload photos.  As bloggers in our upper thirties, it'd be nice to interact with other like-minded women around our age. We can't wait to meet you!

In addition, if you'll be in the NYC area on September 8th (either for the Independent Fashion Bloggers Conference, Fashion Week, or because you're lucky enough to live there!) we're hosting a get-together at Grounded Coffee, located at 28 Jane St (between Greenwich Ave & 4th St.) We're meeting at 2 pm, so as not to coincide with Fashion Night Out events that evening.

Hope to see you then!

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