Sunday, December 18, 2011

On Sundays I Smile - Week in review December 18th

On Sundays I review the past week and I Smile. I share these moments with you.

I'm coming down with a cold, so I've decided to self-medicate with bowls of clementines, hoping a massive dose of natural vitamin C will chase the germs away. Clementines are the perfect snack. They're so happy looking nestled in a bowl, and taste like summer.

My children had their holiday parties at school this week. Simply put, holiday parties are an excuse for the kids to watch movies and eat cookies and wear their pajamas to school and give their teachers presents, typically things like Starbucks gift cards and mugs with pencils on them. We got to make this cheeky little Santa foam ornament which took a surprisingly amount of glue and patience to construct.

My daughter and husband left for a five day trip to NYC this week, to visit our family and eat bagels and see the Rockefeller Center Christmas tree and gallivant through the city. I ain't gonna lie - I'm out of my mind with jealousy. I can't help it. I am a horrible horrible person. I want to be the one going to NYC. I want to shop and eat in Little Italy and see family and take touristy photos of things like the lights in Times Square. But I'm thrilled for my daughter. Really.

To alleviate my despair over not going to NYC, I went to the mall. Because in my opinion there are few better ways to self-soothe than take in some holiday shopping at the mall. I'm kind of shallow like that. There was this display of holiday clutches in Bendel's that made me swoon. Hello, pretty little leopard clutch. You will be mine. Oh yes you will.

Now it's your turn: What are some things that made you smile this week? Grab my button (created by Kate of Kate The Geek - HUGE THANKS to Kate!) and blog about your Sunday smiles; share your weekly smiles in the comments; or smile just because it makes you feel good.

While I'm nibbling on clementines, catch up on everything from Dress With Courage this week:

As always, thank you for supporting me by following my blog, continuing to leave thoughtful and introspective comments, and dropping by every day. I am so appreciative that you are here.

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