Wednesday, February 8, 2012

{Almost daily outfit of the day} Cherry ice 2.8.12

cherry ice
Thrifted Calvin Klein blazer; thrifted vintage silk blouse; Gap legging jeans; Jessica Simpson pumps; Vintage Martini clutch
It happened almost every summer afternoon. My friends and I were beached on the sidewalk, attempting to recover from hours spent riding our bikes around the neighborhood, tracing new routes and swerving into sprinklers. The air was sultry with heat, the way August afternoons get in New York. Rivers of sweat ran down our backs. Without warning, a hopeful chirp pealed through the air. Could it be? Was it time? Suddenly it emerged, with a trail of excited children behind it, a white knight sent to rescue us. It was the ice cream truck.

A beacon of joy to every kid on our street, the ice cream truck saved us from heat stroke and fortified us for continued adventures. My friends got strawberry crunch bars, and soft serve with sprinkles, and twin pops, and Nutty Bars. I got cherry Italian ice, the kind in the little cardboard carton with a wooden spork. It tastes tart and sweet and bright, like a cherry exploding on your tongue. Kind of exactly like my silk blouse looks.

cherry ice2

cherry ice3

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