Thursday, February 23, 2012

collect a coin

I was sorting through my office drawers recently and came across a small, long-forgotten bag of old coins. This discovery tied in very nicely with an email I received from Cape Town based jewellery designer Julie Roberts of Collect Jewellery. Their latest Vintage Coin Collection is inspired by the movement away from disposable fashion purchases and instead cultivates a love for owning keepsake pieces which you’ll cherish and pass down to future generations.


These heirloom-style pieces are unique, enduring and well crafted: the rare and beautiful
antique coins are set in sterling silver frames hanging on 'pocket watch' style silver chains. The coins tell a personal tale of travel and heritage, and you can just imagine the journey a single coin has made…



You can also bring in your own coin for setting, which is exactly what I might do with one of my recent coin discoveries.


for more info visit

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