Sunday, February 19, 2012

creative mornings/cape town

You’ve all heard of Creative Mornings, the monthly morning international gathering for creative types and the brainchild of Tina Roth Eisenberg of Swiss Miss, right? Our very own Catherine Henderson heads up the Creative Mornings Cape Town and I’m thrilled that this Friday 24 February the speaker will be Stan Engelbrecht, the adventurous and creative photographer behind the books Bicycle Portraits.

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The beautifully captured photography, divided over 3 books, visually documents the 2 year journey which Stan Engelbrecht & Nic Grobler took around South Africa collecting over 500 portraits of everyday commuters and capturing our bicycle culture as they travelled. The books are designed by Gabrielle Guy and South African artist Gabrielle Raaff created an individual hand-painted watercolour map, based on Google Maps, to indicate the location of each of the portraits.


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This exciting event is happening this Friday 24 February at the Upper East Side Hotel and includes a 20 minute lecture, followed by a 20 minute group discussion. The gathering begins at 8:30am with the topic presentation starting at 9:00am and everyone taking off for work at 10am. Creative Mornings are free of charge!

So book your spot by signing up at Creative Mornings/Cape Town. Spaces are limited!

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