Friday, April 20, 2012

{Almost daily outfit of the day} On obsession. 4.20.12

Vintage thrifted silk blouse; thrifted OP ankle jeans; thrifted Banana Republic flats; thrifted vintage belt; thrifted vintage clutch; Forever 21 bracelets

Okay, guys. I realize I have an unhealthy obsession with this blouse. I might have worn it three days in a row, and 3928761 times since I thrifted it a few months ago. This is not my first brush with obsessive behavior. In the past 30 years, I have been obsessed with the following:
  • Sex and the City
  • Diet Coke
  • J Crew ballet flats
  • J Crew in general.
  • Tori Amos (hey, it was the nineties.)
  • The Dylan McKay/Brenda Walsh/Kelly Taylor love triangle on Beverly Hills 90210.
  • Peanut Butter M&M's
  • Vintage Levi's
  • Nars Orgasm blush
  • Trying to determine why the Kardashians are so popular. Seriously. This is eating me alive.
So you can see why my behavior with my pink silk blouse is not entirely uncharacteristic. While I recovered from my fierce Diet Coke addiction, my passionate love for this blouse is here to stay. I might need a support group.

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