Sunday, April 1, 2012

On Sundays I Smile - Week in review 4.1.12

On Sundays I smile.

I share these moments with you.


All great weeks in Dallas start with coffee, cheese grits and people-watching at Oddfellows in Bishop Arts. This cozy little restaurant draws all sorts of people, from professional types in business suits to tattooed and bearded hipsters. And they serve one of the best cups of coffee in the city.

I am not an especially athletic nor adventurous person. I could never hike to the top of a mountain or zip down the advanced slopes on a pair of skis or attack a triathalon. Bike riding, however, I can do. This week I tossed my bike into the trunk of my car and eagerly rode down the scenic Chisolm trail in Plano. Then I got a flat. It's times like this that I ask myself, "What would Lance Armstrong do?"

Forney antiques

On Friday I took a little road trip out to Forney for some antiquing and thrifting. Forney is a tiny dot of a town alongside highway 80, notable for a strip of warehouse-sized antique malls containing some of the most bizarre and questionable things you've ever seen. Need an entire 19th century circus, complete with covered wagon and tent? Looking for stacks and stacks of vintage suitcases? Have the inexplicable desire for a rusting small airplane? Forney's got it.

Also in Forney: adorable puppies. I was thisclose to bringing this little guy home with me.

Chadwick Bell presentation

On Thursday I attended a trunk show for Chadwick Bell at Stanley Korshak and had the opportunity to interview the designer and drool over clothes worn by celebrities and socialites alike. This was the first time I'd ever sat down with a designer, and it was fascinating to learn about the process behind creating a collection. And the clothes were absolutely stunning.

Big news: My book is now available at Vintage Martini in downtown Carrollton, Texas! Vintage Martini is my absolute favorite vintage shop in Texas and I'm so thrilled to partner with them. I'm planning a book signing at the store on April 28th. Mark your calendar and come on by!

Now it's your turn. 

What were the best parts of your week? Leave a comment and share your smiles!

Some photos taken with Instagram: dresscourage

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