Sunday, April 22, 2012

On Sundays I Smile - Week in review 4.22.12

On Sundays I Smile.

I share these moments with you.


On Wednesday I attended an event with the Social Media of Dallas Club featuring Sean Jackson of Copyblogger. I have never seen such a large gathering of nerds in. my. life. It was awesome. Many of the topics discussed were over my head, but it was interesting to mingle with so many social media professionals, and I even learned a thing or two.

 Of course, a pre-event beer with my friend Julie didn't hurt.

Spotted at the thrift store this week: Brand new $400+ Isabella Fiore pumps (with the Neiman Marcus tag still on) for $4.99. Not in my size. Clearly, the universe hates me.

I made a bold decision this week to trade in my much-loved, gas-guzzling, environment-destroying Navigator for a more economical and fuel-efficient Mazda. The Navigator has seen me through countless road trips and made me feel somewhat powerful and intimidating while commuting, but it was time to let it go. I'm not gonna lie. It sucked. Bu it was the right thing to do.

A book that encompasses my life. I was both delighted to find this tome at Half Priced Books and frustrated that I did not think to write it myself.

Things were extremely stressful and chaotic in my home this week. But a sleeping puppy on my lap somehow made up for it.

Now it's your turn. 

What were the best parts of your week? Leave a comment and share your smiles!

Some photos taken with Instagram: dresscourage

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