Monday, April 30, 2012

{Almost daily outfit of the day} What I wore to my book signing 4.30.12

Thrifted vintage silk dress; thrifted vintage purse; thrifted Bruno Magli heels; Forever 21 & Neiman Marcus bracelets; thrifted Michael Kors watch

There is an episode of Sex and the City where Carrie Bradshaw travels across the country to appear at a signing of her book. She is terrified that the event will not be well-attended, and that she'll be greeted with an empty room instead of an audience of fans eager to meet her. Of course, this doesn't happen. A packed crowd of women sits hangs on her every word as she reads a chapter, and lines up in droves for her to sign their copies.

My own book signing wasn't nearly the raving success Carrie's was. Instead of a packed house, I met with a mere handful of people - some who bought my book, but most of whom wandered around aimlessly before leaving. But you know what? I really didn't care. I got to live out a dream, where I was featured at my favorite store in Dallas with a book I actually wrote. I got to sit at a table with copies of my book prominently displayed. I got to meet with people who came out purposely to meet me, including a reader who traveled 30 minutes just to purchase a copy (wave to Jamie!) And I got to wear a gorgeous 1940's silk dress that I thrifted for $8.

Life doesn't get any better than that.

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