Monday, October 24, 2011

A mandatory sick day

This is my outfit of the day pic. Inhalers are very in for fall.

I've been fighting some sort of cold/sinus infection/bronchitis/typhoid fever for the past two days, and this morning it's seemed to turn into something more debilitating. In the interest of protecting you against whatever drivel I'd post while being heavily medicated on Nyquil, I'll be taking a couple of days off from blogging. This is not easy for me. I am a workaholic, and perfectionist, and taking a day off from blogging is akin to failure. Debilitating illness or not.

While I'm drowning myself in Progress chicken noodle soup, hot apple cider and Theraflu, catch up on my posts from the last few months. There's some entertaining stuff in there. I'll still be on Twitter, though,(@dresscourage) so in between my moaning and torturing my husband and complaining about, well, everything, we can chat. Come say hi. It'll be a nice diversion between bad daytime television.

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