Thursday, October 6, 2011

Almost daily outfit of the day: Hillbilly hell 10.6.11

Thrifted J Crew chambray shirt; vintage thrifted silk skirt; vintage thrifted leopard belt; H&M sandals; Charming Charlie and Forever 21 bracelets.

I did not wear this outfit today. No, I wore it last Thursday, when I received a call that my husband's car was disabled by flat tire, leaving him helpless on the side of a road somewhere near Tulsa. My husband travels for work. He's on the road a lot, schlepping back and forth from our tidy little suburban house in Dallas to the wilds of Oklahoma, where the accents are so thick you could spread them on toast. While he is always able to stay cool and calm in the face of a crisis (which I must admit irritates the CRAP out of me) I do not. Nope. I freak out. My imagination goes into overdrive. Immediately, I pictured him sitting roadside on a dirty patch of gravel, vultures circling overhead hungrily as he waited for rescue. Every pickup that sped by contained at least one escaped homicidal maniac wielding either a butcher knife or sawed-off shotgun, monitoring him, deciding whether he was worth a kill, which he was because he's a nice guy and generally a good driver and takes care of me when I'm sick and OH MY GOD I AM ABOUT TO BE WIDOWED. So there he sat, helpless and vulnerable, shivering (never mind that it was 89 degrees out) and praying for salvation. Or a tow truck.

In the end, he managed to get his car transported out of Oklahoma to a town forty minutes from us, and I picked him up. Apparently he made friends with a couple of mechanics and had a jolly old time while I was losing heart muscle with my worrying. Both he and his car are fine, and I've vowed to stop freaking out. For the rest of the week, anyway.

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