Friday, October 7, 2011

Fashion Beauty Friend Friday: Jumping on the trend bandwagon

The wild popularity of the Missoni Target line got Katy of Modly Chic thinking about fads, trends, and our desire to be part of the 'in' crowd. This week's questions are based on that.

1. Do you ever see a fad hit the stores and immediately dislike it? Has that fad ever began to grow on you?

To be honest, most of what I see hit stores makes me question where the fashion industry is going. I feel as if each trend is a recycled one from years ago - such as this season's popularity of color-blocking (first took place in the 60's and 70's) high waist jeans (70's), capes and ponchos (60's), neon clothes (80's) and chunky necklaces and stacks of bracelets (80's). It makes it difficult for me to buy into a trend because I feel insulted by the fashion industry and their lack of creativity. Not to mention that some trends leave me scratching my head - such as spring's thigh-highs, socks with open-toe shoes, heavy eye shadow, and rompers (I am well known for my hatred of rompers.)

2. Has the popularity of a certain piece of clothing or line ever convinced you to try on something (or purchase something) you dislike?

Unfortunately, yes. This summer brought the return of crop tops, and I eagerly went out and bought three from a fast-fashion store. Looking back, I realize how ridiculous they looked on me. Frankly, I'm too old to pull of such a body-exposing trend. Not to mention that the tops were really unflattering.

3. Have you ever changed your mind about a trend after seeing it around for a while?

The only recent trend I can think of that grew on me the longer it was around was wooden-sole booties and pumps. When I first saw them, I thought they were clunky and unwieldy. But now I love them because of those qualities (as long as they aren't too extreme - I'm looking at you, Jeffrey Campbell.)

4. Do you feel a certain pressure to have specific items in your closet because 'everyone' else does?

Sometimes, but this happens much less frequently than it did when I was younger. I distinctively recall that feeling of "I must buy this because I need to wear this brand." I went through a passionate designer jeans phase about six years ago, during which I spent hundreds of dollars on high-end jeans. I convinced myself I was doing so because they fit better than less-expensive brands. But I was just kidding myself - I bought those jeans because I wanted to fit in with the women I was friends with at the time.

5. Be honest, what do you think of the Missoni line? Did you grab any items? Is it worth the eBay prices?

I did. I was there at 9 am when the store opened, though I wasn't one of those customers who sprinted down the aisles grabbing every single piece off the racks in a mad frenzy. I actually wrote a post about my Missoni for Target experience (with a Missoni giveaway that ends this morning at ten.) My trip to Target wasn't spurned out of a need to have something Missoni because everyone was talking about the collection. I've always loved Missoni, but could never dream of being able to afford any of their pieces. I ended up with cardigans, socks and storage boxes - all pieces I set out to purchase, and nothing more -  and I'm happy with their quality. Do I think any of the pieces are worth the astronomical prices they're going for on eBay? Absolutely not. As high as they are you could buy a piece from the high-end Missoni from Italy brand.

As usual, I’d love to hear your on this topic in the comments! What trends have you gotten into? Any that you just couldn't understand?  

Fashion Beauty Friend Friday was created by Katy Rose of Modly Chic. Become a member at the Fashion Beauty Friend Friday Google Group to join in the discussion!

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