Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Like lemon & custard

Like lemon and custard, Camilla Engman and Elisabeth Dunker work delightfully on their own, but even better together; so quotes one of my favourite sites, From Sthlm, an independent shop and blog which finds a fresh Swedish talent every month and showcases their designs for 30 days.

Picnik collage

This October they’re promoting the whimsical designs of Elisabeth Dunker and Camilla Engman collaborating as Studio Violet with their whimsical line-drawn shapes and colour filled prints, cards and posters.

studio violet 1 text

These limited edition cards and even some out of print posters are available direct from the site… perfect for that special gift, right?

studio violet

check out Studio Violet’s sweet site and see what other loveliness they’re up to…

Picnik collage2

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