Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Almost daily outfit of the day 8/17/11

Old Navy linen blouse; thrifted vintage skirt; Old Navy belt; H&M sandals; thrifted Coach satchel; Charming Charlie and Forever 21 bracelets

If it were up to me, I'd wear thrifted sequins and vintage dresses and outrageous outfits composed of lace maxi skirts and cropped tops and MASSIVE amounts of jewelry and teetering high heels all the time. Unfortunately, that's not always possible. Such as days like today, when I have to accompany my children to the Lego Discovery Center (which I SWEAR is the depository of every tantrum-throwing, nose-picking, screaming child within a 60 mile radius of Dallas) and run to the supermarket to pick up the one most important thing I neglected to get the last time I was at the supermarket. In these environments, sequins and crop tops are not such a good idea. But linen and swirly skirts are. I still managed to throw on a pile of bracelets, which garnered a few looks from the general public. I guess that'll have to do.

As long as you're here...PLEASE take a minute and vote for me in the CBS DFW Most Valuable Blogger Awards! I'm a finalist!

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