Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Calling All NYC Area 30+ Year-Old Fashion Bloggers!

I'm thrilled to be attending the Independent Fashion Bloggers conference in less than two weeks (eek!) Aside from learning more about blogging, I'm most excited to meet and mingle with other bloggers - some whom I know only through the internet. It will be wonderful to get together with people I admire and have had such a strong influence on my blogging "career."

One of those women is Grechen Cohen, of Grechen Blogs, Grechen's Closet and a slew of other incredibly successful ventures. I had the pleasure of meeting Grechen in Austin during the Texas Style Council Conference and was immediately struck by how intelligent, down-to-earth and stylish she is.

A common interest Grechen and I have is reaching out to other 30+ year-old bloggers. Grechen is looking to gather a community of bloggers in our age group, and what better way than to start with a meetup during the IFB Conference? So, if you're a 30+ blogger and will be in New York City (or nearby,) we want to invite you to a get-together on September 8th at Grounded Coffee in Manhattan! Leave me a comment below and let me know if you think you'll be able to attend. We haven't determined a time for the event yet, but it will most likely be mid-morning or early afternoon.

If you're an over thirty fashion blogger who will not be in NYC during IFB, we still want to meet you! Head over to this thread and fill out the form to be included in the over thirty blogger collective.

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