Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Daily Oufit 8/2/11

Thrifted Ralph Lauren dress; Vintage Martini vintage clutch; H&M sandals; Charming Charlie bracelets; Michael Kors rose gold watch

Today I realized that I've gone all summer and have only worn shorts once. I don't have anything against shorts, necessarily. They're functional, and summery, and practical (especially in this godforsaken heat we're dealing with.) But shorts and me just do not work. In shorts, my legs look, well, short. And stumpy. And pale. And I feel self-conscious and awkward and exactly like I did when I was eleven and my mother bought me a pair of green plaid shorts which she swore were cute but then I wore them to camp and learned that NO, NO THEY WERE NOT

Now, put me in a dress and I feel pretty and feminine. A dress makes me want to twirl and spin and dance with random strangers. And a dress in this color makes me feel even happier. So yes! to dresses and skirts all summer. Yes! to coral. And sorry, shorts. It's not you. It's me. I hope we can be friends.

(The exposure on these shots is wonky, I realize. I'm trying to figure out my new DSLR and obvs have no clue what I'm doing. If you've got any suggestions, don't hesitate to help me out. For real.)

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