Sunday, August 21, 2011

On Sundays I Smile - Week in review August 21st

On Sundays I review the past week and I Smile. I share these moments with you.

This week I took a little trip down to the Bishop Arts district of Dallas and visited an artisan chocolate shop called Dude, Sweet Chocolate. I'd seen a feature on them on The Food Network and was intrigued, especially by the staff, who are all dreadlocked and tattooed and eccentric. But oh, the chocolate. I saw things like chocolate-covered bacon (which I tried, I'm not gonna lie) and Zip Code honey, lavender and Dallas Mozz. Co. goat crema chocolates, and cocoa coconut marshmallows and something called Crack in a Box which I am telling you was the SINGLE GREATEST thing I have ever eaten. If you're anywhere near Dallas, go check this place out. You will not be disappointed.

Somehow, an innocent jaunt into Urban Outfitters turned into the purchase of a studded fanny pack. I have no clue how this happened. It jumped into my arms and I simply did not have the willpower to resist. I love it...but I'm terrified to wear it. What if I'm stereotyped as a aging hipster (which, let's face it, I kind of am) or a confused tourist on her way to someplace really, really cheesy like Madame Tussards Wax Museum? Any suggestions how to wear this thing while avoiding all the preceding terrifying scenarios?

I also stopped into Charming Charlie's, a jewelry and accessories store. If you're in need of a sparkly shiny twinkly necklace/ring/bracelet/pair of earrings/handbag this is the place for you. Items are grouped by color, and the amount of bling available is truly overwhelming. It made me a little twitchy. But not necessarily in a bad way.

This week I got a few presents from my mailman. Though I rely on blogs for fashion tips much more than magazines these days, the arrival of the September issues is still like Christmas and my birthday and the time I got an A on my chemistry exam all rolled into one.

And finally, to end things on an insanely sweet note, I present to you a candy buffet I stumbled on in the Grapevine Outlet Mall. Do want.

Now it's your turn: What are some things that made you smile this week? Grab my button (created by Kate of Divergent Musings - HUGE THANKS to Kate!) and blog about your Sunday smiles; share your weekly smiles in the comments; or smile just because it makes you feels good.

While I'm smiling, catch up on this week's posts from Dress With Courage:

As always, thank you for supporting me by following my blog, continuing to leave thoughtful and introspective comments, and dropping by every day. I am so appreciative that you are here.

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