Friday, August 19, 2011

Fashion Beauty Friend Friday: Runnin' down a dream

This month Katy of Modly Chic was inspired by two separate blog posts in which the blogger quit their day job and has started on the path to self-employment – doing what she loves to do. The first was Jenny Blake, who left Google after 5 years to be her own boss. Sally McGraw’s post about leaving her job to take Already Pretty full time was the second.

That got her thinking… we all have dreams, goals, aspirations. Putting them down on paper is often the first step to realizing those dreams. So for Fashion/Beauty Friend Friday we are looking at the dreams that we have – the ones we keep buried inside and daydream about when life throws a curve.

1. If you could do anything professionally, what would it be?

Frankly, it would be exactly what I'm doing now, with the addition of freelance magazine writing regarding fashion and body image. Blogging has fulfilled me in ways I never expected, and it's been the most wonderful outlet to improve my skill as a writer. I enjoy exploring subjects I'm deeply interested in, and I love that I can blog from home and still have time to be with my kids. Like many bloggers, my ultimate goal is to be able to monetize my blog. I have a few possible sponsor relationships in the works, so progress is being made on that point.

My longest dream has been to write a book, and mine is completed - just have to finish up my proposal and send it out to agents. I'm been stuck on those projects for weeks, probably because I'm scared of being rejected. I need to get over it.

2. What draws you to this?

I love to write. I love exploring subjects to write about. I love doing research. I love talking to friends about topics I'm thinking of writing about. I love the quest to find the perfect word to express my point. I love sitting at the computer, pounding out a blog post I know will be well-received. I even love the sound of my fingers click-clacking away on my keyboard. I am a much better writer than I am speaker. Writing allows me to express myself in a way that is comfortable to me.

3. When did you first start dreaming of this idea?

Back in high school I had a wonderful creative writing teacher who taught me that writing can be fun, that it was more than creating tedious papers and analyzing droning Russian literature (which my school seemed to have a fetish over.) In his class, assignments were introspective, often silly, and completely individual. Grades were nonexistent. Some of my most fond memories of high school were the hours I spent in that class. It was through them that I discovered my passion for writing.

4. What's holding you back from going all the way?

Fear of rejection. Fear of not being taken seriously. Fear of working my ass off for very little monetary reward. Fear of failure. The usual, I suppose. I hide behind these excuses and use them to avoid possibilities of success. I suppose I'm also afraid of success, in a way. Success implies a responsibility to stay successful. And that comes with considerable pressure.

In the past month I've made a lot of progress, though. I'm reaching out to potential sponsors and establishing relationships while making sure they are mutually beneficial. My book is completed. And, best of all, I'm allowing myself to dream. I am a finalist in the CBS DFW Most Valuable Blogger Awards, which is a huge achievement (PLEASE vote for me!) It's incredibly  fulfilling to see a dream realized.

As usual, I’d love to hear your on this topic in the comments! Fashion Beauty Friend Friday was created by Katy Rose of Modly Chic. Become a member at the Fashion Beauty Friend Friday Google Group to join in the discussion!

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