Wednesday, November 30, 2011

the tote bag book

So did you enjoy that cool tote round-up yesterday for Freeworld? Well, I have more gorgeous prints which I couldn’t resist sharing today. This time, all the totes come from the blog Totebags, which is dedicated to the world of tote bag prints, graphics and designers.



Blog author Jitesh Patel has even authored and designed The Tote Bag Book, a spin-off from his clever blog concept. According to the site, the book showcases some of the most striking, inventive and subversive examples of the ubiquitous tote. From eco chic to style icon, the featured totes come from a wide range of illustrators and designers from around the world, with designs including floral prints, typography, illustrations and characters. Each book will be beautifully packaged in an original and eye-catching tote bag.


The Tote could not get any cooler!

This week I thrifted: Pendleton blazer

Vintage thrifted Pendleton blazer; thrifted J Crew sweater; thrifted Joe's Jeans; Coach ballet flats

There are certain dreams I've held on to since I  left girlhood and became a grown-up. Some are small, like the ability to make it through a day without spilling something on myself, and programming the clock on my DVD player, and parallel parking without backing up on the curb or hitting the car in front of me. But some dreams are bigger. These dreams, the big dreams, are so big that I don't often allow myself to think them, much less pin any real hope on them coming true. They include things like having hair exactly like Zooey Deschannel's. And becoming an equestrian. And finding the perfect pair of jeans in just the right wash (slightly dark) and cut (slim, but not too skinny.) And finally being able to run more than five miles straight without dry-heaving. You know - the big dreams.

Since I began thrifting as a broke high school student, I've been looking for a white or off-white Pendleton blazer. The blazer should be single-breasted and shrunken; fully lined and made from a pristine wool; and absent of moth holes and stains. It should cost less than $6. And it absolutely has to be made by Pendleton, a brand I've long associated with quality, tradition, and Americana. This blazer has been my Holy Grail for twenty years. When I go thrifting, I often head straight to the blazer section in the vain hope that my Pendleton will somehow, inexplicably, be waiting for me.

This week I found it.

I suppose I should focus my energy on improving my parallel-parking skills now.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

take on The Tote

Hello! Are you ready for something earth saving with oodles of design kudos? Bring on the super stylish & eco-friendly tote bags. I’ve rounded up a selection from local and afar over at Freeworld Design Centre for my weekly guest post. Click over and get carried away.


Giveaway winner announced! Missoni for Target cosmetics case & Starbucks gift card

Well, this is embarrassing. I completely forgot to draw a winner for the November 18th Missoni for Target and Starbucks giveaway. My bad. Thankfully, a kind reader drew my attention to this oversight yesterday. Otherwise I would probably have continued on, totally oblivious.

The winner of the giveaway is...

Christina Luna!

Christina said:

1. You absolutely do not love rompers! Hahaha I nearly peed reading that one!
2. I like the post where you went to the John Frieda event with all the pictures and where you got your make-up done! I loved loved LOVED that outfit, I actually put it on my inspiration board for fall! I also really love the Sunday smile posts to catch up on anything I've missed.
3. New York!
4. Yes, I think you should consider it!

I'm sitting here drooling over my keyboard with hopes of winning that Missoni make up bag! I wasn't financially fit to splurge at Target, but I'm hoping that soon enough I'll have a piece for myself!

Thanks to everyone for entering! Christina, please send me an email with your shipping address so I can send you your winnings!

I have another giveaway planned next week to celebrate my one-year blog anniversary, and it's gonna be a good one!  Stay tuned!

The importance of being alone

Long, long ago, before I got married and had children, I wondered about the lives of the adults I passed while running between class and work. They were out in the middle of the day, doing nothing. I saw them in book stores, sprawled out on armchairs immersed in comic book and poetry. They lounged around coffee shops, enjoying a nice dark roast Columbian half-caf. They languished over meals in restaurants, debating between something healthy like soup and salad or the chicken parmesan lunch special. They joked with the waitress. And they had the gall to jog, right through my neighborhood, in the middle of the day. What was the deal with these freewheeling slackers who wandered around my supermarket, reading labels off the side of cereal boxes? They looked perfectly content just being alone.

Eventually, I married and had kids, and I became one of those people you see out alone in the middle of the day. In between dropping off my kids at school, and picking them up, there's a nice gaping hole smack dab in the middle of my day. It's taken me awhile to adjust to this hole. It benefits my family more for me to be at home than work outside, and I cherish the rewards being a stay-at-home mom offers. But managing, and embracing, my alone-time has been another matter.

There's an emerging body of research which suggests that despite the fact that we are social animals, spending time alone can be good for us. Blocking off enough alone time is an important component of a well-functioning social life — if we want to get the most out of the time we spend with people, we should make sure we’re spending enough of it away from them. Just as regular exercise and healthy eating make our minds and bodies work better, so can being alone.

That said, there is an important distinction to be established between solitude and loneliness. From the outside, they look a lot alike. But loneliness is a negative state, marked by a sense of isolation. Solitude is being alone without being lonely. Solitude is a means of enjoying the quiet and whatever it brings that is satisfying. It is refreshing; an opportunity to renew ourselves and replenishes us.

Being by yourself is one thing when you're at home, within the safety and privacy of your own space. But it's something else entirely when you're out in public. To sit alone in a bar or bookstore or restaurant full of people is a liberating experience. No one cares what you're thinking or wearing. No one cares that you've ordered dessert for dinner. And no one cares whether you've made a habit out of being alone, or are attempting to enjoy some solitude for the first time.

I've gotten pretty good at filling up my alone time, and I've grown to look forward to an afternoon with no one to entertain except myself. So now I present to you a list of my top five favorite things to do alone:

  1. Seeing a movie: A midday movie is not only cheap, but surprisingly joyful. Theaters are usually empty, and you don't have to share your popcorn or soda with anyone else. There's no need to make small talk while waiting for the previews to start. And if you hate the movie, and want desperately to leave before it ends, there's no one stopping you. 
  2. Drinking in a bar: There's a lovely little Irish pub near my house, with snug little booths and a fireplace and an enticing selection of bourbons. I'm not much of a drinker, but on a chilly winter evening an escape to this pub is a simple refuge. Yes, it takes courage for a woman to sit in a bar and enjoy a drink alone. But bartenders don't care.
  3. Reading in a bookstore: I love everything about bookstores - the way they smell, the easy escape a stack of books provides, the quiet hush that surrounds me and my fellow readers. Give me a stack of magazines and cup of coffee in the cafe and I'm a happy girl.
  4. Going for a walk (or run): I doubt few of us would have a problem leaving the house for a walk around the neighborhood. But have you ever done so without listening to music, or talking on your phone, or checking for texts every few minutes? I'm always surprised by the little things I notice when I'm out for a walk with just my thoughts for companionship.
  5. Thifting: I love thrifting, period, whether with friends or on my own. But there's a certain amount of pleasure in wandering around a thrift store by myself. The act of thrifting lends itself to leisurely browsing and daydreams about how items ended up getting donated and who owned them previously.
Now I ask you: Do you enjoy spending time alone? What are some favorite things you enjoy doing by yourself? Have you ever found it challenging to enjoy alone time?

B-day girl ....

                                                                                                 CLICK TO SEE MORE

                                                                                                 dress ( worn as skirt): zara,
                                                                                                 tights: primark,
                                                                                                 boots: zara,
                                                                                                 sweater: non branded,
                                                                                                 blazer: new yorker,
                                                                                                 scarf: pashmina,
                                                                                                 belt: vintage,
                                                                                                 earrings: non branded ( dve smizle),
                                                                                                 rings: no name,
                                                                                                 ph. BonjourJR

Today, im celebrating my second birthday with you! We are now talking about one big number, 26, but shh! ;) And for this occasion, i made special post! Hope you will like it!
If someone told me, that i would walk around town with balloons, i wouldn't believe him! But now, I do! :) Everything is possible!

p.s. huge thanks to my dear Jovana for taking these photos!♥

Monday, November 28, 2011

Studio De Winkel

Dutch webshop Studio De Winkel caught my eye this week with their quirky and appealing items fro sale. They collaborate with prestigious artists and designers and many of their designs are made in smaller quantities thus ensuring a unique product.

studio de winkel 2

This little clock above is not only good looking, but also environmentally friendly. Made from recycled pulp and dried in the sun, it would sit happily on my shelf!

Cute bird on a branch stacking mugs too…

studio de winkel 1

studio de winkel 5

I’m mad about these porcelain beetle brooches with a gold lustre finish from designers Lammers & Lammers. For more of their jewellery range for Studio De Winkel click here.

studio de winkel 4

studio de winkel 3

Have a peep at more of the unique living, art, fashion and kids products available on Studio De Winkel.

Almost daily outfit of the day: x' (shorts) + y2 (tights) = k e2 (ugh)

Old Navy sweater; thrifted Gap gingham shirt; Gap Outlet shorts; We Love Colors tights; thrifted vintage Cole Haan boots; thrifted vintage satchel

When I was younger, my arch nemesis was math. I hated math. I moaned and groaned through lessons at school. I procrastinated on my homework. I flunked tests in a tragically magnificent manner, earning single-digit scores that led to painful conferences between my parents and teachers. It became kind of a family joke, Elissa and her math problems. Eventually my parents found before and after-school tutors, and I spent long, long, long hours sitting through private instruction, watching the clock tick depressingly towards oblivion.

The worst thing about my math disability wasn't my failing grades. No, the worst thing was the hope and optimism I felt before each test, only to discover that I'd flunked. One particularly tragic exam from my junior year comes to mind. I was absolutely convinced I'd not only passed that midterm, but aced it. Finally I had conquered my math demon. My parents could stop shelling out money on tutors and spend it on something useful, like a pony. Schoolmates would line up at my door, begging me for the secret formula to my math genius. My cousins would stop making fun of me for my inability to calculate fourth-grade fractions. I had made it.

If memory serves me correctly, my grade on that exam hovered in the forties.

I feel that today's shorts and tights outfit strikes a similar chord. When I got dressed this morning, I was sure I'd nailed this look. I carefully studied images on Pinterest with women in shorts and tights, and took inspiration from their denim and boots. I waltzed out of my house with a confident strut. Now, I'm not so convinced. And if a quadratic equation exists that can solve the problem, I'm beyond hope.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Seth Smoot photography


Happy Monday! How was the weekend? Mine was quite a busy, action-packed one and I must admit that my eyes are feeling a little heavy this morning. So I thought the work of Danish photographer Seth Smoot would be just the visual pick-me-up I needed to get me through the day. I love the unexpected themes in his work, pops of colour here and there, and I find his compositions just perfect.








Now I’m off to find myself a double-shot cappuccino… see you tomorrow!

What's your flava?

                                                                                               CLICK TO SEE MORE
                   Vera Wang "Princess" - water lily, lady apple, mandarin meringue, golden apricot, dark chocolate, chiffon vanilla ....
                    Escada "Magnetism "- blend of pineapple, blackcurrant, rose, magnolia, iris, jasmine, sandalwood and patchouli ...
                    Escada "Moon sparkle" - strawberry, red apple, citrus, fressia, raspberry, sandalwood, musk ...
                    Escada "Incredible me" - clementine, honeysuckle, orchid, vanilla and sandalwood ....
                   Gucci "Guilty" - mandarin, pink pepper, peach, lilac, geranium, amber, patchouli ...
                   Sarah Jessica Parker "Lovely" - nectarine, rosewood, lavender, cedar, musk, amber, patchouli ...
                   Nina Ricci "Love in Paris" - violet, rose, apricot, jasmine, cedar wood, musk and touch of vanilla...
                   Dolce&Gabanna "Sicily" - honeysuckle, orange blossom, banana, nutmeg, jasmine, sandalwood, musk ...
                   Dolce&Gabanna "The One" - mandarin, peach, bergamot, jasmine, plum, amber, musk ...
                   Calvin Klein "Euphoria" - pomegranate, lotus blossom, black orchid, mahogany, musk ...
                   Bvlgari "Omnia" - mandarin orange, white chocolate ...
                   Hugo Boss "Boss Orange" - apple, peach, orange blossom, plum, cinnamon, vanilla cream, sandalwood ...
                   Moschino "Funny" - pink pepper, jasmine, amber, musk, cedar ...
                   Versace "Bright Crystal" - pomegranate, peony, magnolia, vegetal amber, musk ...
                   Moschino "Hippy Fizz" - raspberry leaves, lemon, lotus flower, magnolia, moss ...
                   Jil Sander "Pure" - coriander, bergamot, tuberose, gardenia, rose ...
                    Avon "Outspoken intense by Fergie" - star fruit, kumquat, blackberries, passion flower and sensual musk ...
                   Versace "Vanitas" - lime, freesia, tonka bean, tiare and cedar ....

When i was younger, i was totally crazy about perfumes. Brands, news, prices, i knew almost every scent in the store, and which one is new. I was also purchasing them a lot, thanks to my mother who shared this passion with me. She continued with it, and i stopped. Now im buying only one or two per year ...but they are still in my heart ... ;)
Probably the most favorites for me are fruity, citrus and gourmand scents, love to have those yummy mixes on my skin.The most of my perfumes contains sandalwood, amber, and fruity ingredients, and almost every Escada perfume is gorgeous for me ( Magnetism is the third bottle;)) .
How to know which one is perfect for you?
Its really easy, you gotta pay attention to several things :
- choose perfume depending on season ( there is nothing worst than using some winter scent during the summer );
- the second important thing is color of your hair ( brunettes choose deeper, darker fragrances and most blondes and readheads choose the lighter and fresher tones),
- depending upon your personality and preferences ( or how you feel on that day) perfume tone range from deep, dark and mysterious to light, outgoing, airy and romantic,
- before you buy a perfume, test it on your own skin first, wear it a few hours to see how it reacts, to determinate how long it lasts and then make a decision.
To resume - wear fresh/light during summer and a sweet/dark during winter. If you have your signature perfume ( when people recognize you before you enter the room) that's great, but you should also have a few different perfumes to choose from for evening and day looks. Some fragrances are more suitable for some age groups, so be careful.
I'm not a huge fan of celebrity perfumes, but i gotta admit, there are nice scents (the pleasant surprise was
very cheap perfume from Avon Outspoken intense by Fergie). They are like "must have" for Hollywood and people are buying them because of the name not because of the quality and irresistible scent ( there are exceptions) .They are not for me, but if you like it, why not ...

If i had to choose the top three, it would be Chanel "Coco Mademoiselle" ( im planing to buy the third bottle), Dolce&Gabanna "The One" and Escada ( can't decide which one). I also have one secret crush scent from Guerlain, hope it will be mine soon! ;)
Tell me about your favorites, which one are u using currently, im curious! :)

p.s. on you can check some perfume advices based on the perfume you are currently using - click Here ...

On Sundays I smile - Week in review November 27th

On Sundays I review the past week and I smile. I share these moments with you.

This week was Thanksgiving, yet somehow I managed to avoid taking food porn photographs of both our feast and my kids, husband and I enjoying our meal. Come to think of it, that's not such a terrible thing. There is no reason for there to be photographic evidence of our abundant dinner and us gorging ourselves on our abundant dinner. I will admit, however, that I made a killer chocolate pudding pie, a desert that had become tradition on our Thanksgiving menu.

This Thanksgiving week was the first in six years that I didn't join the mobs out on black Friday. I just didn't have the energy to stay up until four am and endure endless lines and shoppers fighting over waffle irons and $5 graphic tee shirts. Instead, I saved my money for a shopping excursion to the historic McKinney square during small business Saturday. The square has some great buildings built before 1900. I stumbled upon an old prison, which now holds offices for a law firm. How ironic.

I also managed to find a little time for thrifting this week, during which I found these two hideous Christmas sweaters. My husband's office holiday party is ugly Christmas sweater themed, and I have to decide which one of these beauties to wear. Do I go with the beaded and sequined navy mock turtleneck (a fashion crime in a multitude of ways) or the neon green with detachable Christmas tree and mittens? Which one is more horrifying?

I also found this vintage sequined slip dress, just in case I decided to forgo the ugly Christmas sweater and dress as an actual Christmas tree. This did not come home with me - I refuse to spend $25 on anything aside from a piece of furniture or vintage fur coat at a thrift store.

There was also this gorgeous, mint condition, fully lined vintage leather midi skirt with pockets...which sadly doesn't fit me. It's absolutely perfect for winter. I thrifted it at a newly discovered store that lacked dressing rooms. However, if you wear a size two I'd love to sell it to you - email me for details!

Now it's your turn: What are some things that made you smile this week? Grab my button (created by Kate of Kate The Geek - HUGE THANKS to Kate!) and blog about your Sunday smiles; share your weekly smiles in the comments; or smile just because it makes you feel good.

While I'm trying to determine which ugly sweater to wear to the holiday party, catch up on everything from Dress With Courage this week:
As always, thank you for supporting me by following my blog, continuing to leave thoughtful and introspective comments, and dropping by every day. I am so appreciative that you are here.

If you're visiting my blog for the first time, please think about following me through Google Friend Connect, and tweeting with me on Twitter (@dresscourage). You can also follow me on Pinterest and Instagram under Dresscourage and on Facebook.