Tuesday, November 22, 2011

you’re just my Type

“A good style should show no signs of effort. What is written should seem a happy accident,” says writer W. Somerset Maugham. This quotation struck me as being quite apt when it comes to fashion and personal style. Much like the written words on a page can be the communication of a writer’s thoughts and passions, so the way in which we dress sends a message to those around us. Do we labour over our style and overextend our time and budget on fleeting fashion trends, or do we choose to express our personality with more serendipitous wardrobe selections which don’t break the bank. The success of street style blogs like The Sartorialist is often the result of the individual portrayal of his subject’s unique style preferences. They are sending a message to those surrounding them by means of their distinctive style, which may or may not be a happy accident. But it certainly gives us, their readers, pause for reflection.

I love relevant poster art and typographical design, so today’s Guest Post for Freeworld Design Centre is all about uniting several good street styles with some pertinent words... click over to see the rest of the post.


Thanks for stopping by, see you tomorrow!

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