Saturday, November 19, 2011

Almost daily outfit of the day: Pattern mixing 11.19.11

Gap blazer; vintage thrifted Diane von Furstenburg blouse; vintage thrifted skirt; Urban Outfitters wedge booties; estate sale clutch; Forever 21 bracelet
There are three fashion terms that give me the squicks:

  1. Color blocking,
  2. Mullet skirt,
  3. Pattern mixing.
It's taken me awhile to get comfortable with pattern-mixing. When I first came across a swooning fashion editorial featuring the trend, I was thoroughly confused. The models looked as though they'd had a party in Vogue's massive garment and accessory closet, gotten drunk on champagne, picked items at random off the racks, and gotten dressed in the dark. The next morning they were dragged out by their agents looking like hobos, albeit glamorous hobos in tweed skirts with plaid blouses and argyle sweaters and leopard belts. 

Models can look great in almost anything. Much to my disappointment, I cannot. Despite my trepidation with the trend, I'm making baby steps into the world of pattern mixing. Using similar colors in different textures helped make it more approachable. 

Have you attempted to pattern mix? 

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