Friday, November 18, 2011

Fashion Beauty Friend Friday: I'm thankful for...

Today is the last Friday before Thanksgiving. With the craziness of the holidays right around the corner, Katy of Modly Chic thought it would be appropriate if we took a moment out of our busy schedules to talk about the things we are most thankful for.

While contemplating this post, I realized I don't take enough time to express gratitude for what I have. It's so easy to get wrapped up in the business of my day that I forget to take a minute and be appreciative of the things in my life that I most value. It's also hard to cultivate a sense of gratitude when I'm anxious, stressed, or otherwise unfocused. I think much of the problem is that I have trouble living in the moment - slowing down and focusing on things that are happening right now, as opposed to those from the past or in the future. Thinking about the past or future leaves me no choice but to make comparisons, which might result in the thinking that what I have right now isn't good enough.

So, in the spirit of slowing down and expressing gratitude, here are the things I am thankful for.

  • My husband and children: I would not be who I am now without the love and support of my family. My husband is my sounding board and best friend, and has supported me throughout every challenge and dream. My children give me the gift of unconditional love, and reward me by allowing me to see life through their playful eyes. No matter what I've struggled with, my family has been there for me, and I do not have the words to express how thankful I am for their presence in my life.
  • My recovery: I wrote a post this week about my struggle with and recovery from anorexia and bulimia. Recovery is a battle I fight every single day, but it's a battle worth fighting for. I am constantly reminded of what I could have lost if I'd stayed sick. In recovery I can experience joy, and not have my vision clouded by the effects of starvation. I can eat meals out with friends without feeling ashamed. I can fully live my life.
  • The Dallas/Fort Worth area: I am a big city kind of girl, and living in Dallas suits me quite nicely. I love the uniquely Texan things that make Dallas what it is (hello, Tex-Mex.) I love that I can window shop at the Neiman Marcus flagship store; wear my cowboy boots to the rodeo; drink margaritas on any number of outdoor patios; and run on the Katy Trail. I even love the hot summers. The city of Dallas is the place I am meant to be.
  • My collection of vintage sequined tops:  There's something about sliding on a sequined top or jacket that makes me happy. The sparkle takes an otherwise boring outfit and makes it extraordinary. And it doesn't hurt that I thrifted all of these tops for less than $10. Sometimes, when I'm feeling down, I wander into my closet and try to pick out my favorite. It never fails to put me in a better mood.
      • Beaujolais Nouveau wine: I am no oeneologist. But this wine rocks my world. It only comes out the week before Thanksgiving, and people snap it up by the case. And by people, I mean myself.
      Hello, lover.
        • My passions: Who would we be without the things that inspire us? Writing, thrifting, music, and fashion brings me joy. They inspire me to create. They make me excited to wake up every day. They allow me to express who I am in a totally individual way.
        • J Brand jeans: Call me shallow, but I love a great pair of jeans. Finding the perfect pair is a quest most women spend a lifetime on. They can't be too tight, too high or low cut. The knees shouldn't stretch out. And above all else, they should be comfortable. I discovered J Brand a few years ago and let me tell you, they are worth every single penny. The magical things they do for my butt are  impossible to explain. 

        • The opportunities blogging has brought me: Blogging has brought me into a community of friends I am privileged to know. It has also introduced me to the Dallas fashion scene, and enabled me to make contacts with people in the industry I only dreamed of meeting.  Even more so, blogging has give me a place to explore the things that are important to me, and receive support for doing so from you, my amazing followers. I am so grateful you are here. Thank you for supporting me.
          As always, I'd love to hear your thoughts in the comments. What are you thankful for this year?
          Fashion Beauty Friend Friday was created by Katy Rose of Modly Chic. Become a member of the Fashion Beauty Friend Friday Google Group to join in the discussion!

          In case you missed it:

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