Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Almost daily outfit: A Vogue idea 11.21.11

Gap sweater; thrifted J Crew silk skirt; Urban Outfitters ankle boots; We Love Colors tights; Vintage Martini clutch

Last week I was invited by Vogue Magazine and Bramin to attend a sneak preview of a new store opening in Dallas. First of all, I cannot believe I just typed out that sentence. Never in my life did I believe I'd be invited by Vogue Magazine to anything, much less a new store opening. Suddenly I was Carrie Bradshaw, strutting through the front door of the Conde Naste building in excited anticipation. Carrie understood the magnitude of that moment. Her arrival at Vogue signaled that she'd found her way to her metaphorical home, her Mecca - Vogue, where she belonged. And now, the same had happened to me. Well, sort of.

When I received the email inviting me to the event, I had a very minor heart attack. What did one wear, exactly, to an event hosted by Vogue? I couldn't exactly borrow Carrie's gorgeous asymmetrical Vivienne Westwood suit. But I could put a newly thrifted J Crew silk skirt to use. I had a great time at the event, but the highlight was when the Vogue accessories representative complimented me on my neon striped sweater and clutch. Carrie, eat your heart out.

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